It doesn't sound like you are copying sources to the clipboard
- If you are on the Sources screen, highlight the source you want to  repeat
- in the bottom left, click on the clipboards icon, then click  
"Copy/Overwrite Existing"
- highlight another event you want to use the same Source
- click the "Add clipboard source" icon (just above clipboards, looks like  a 
"-" sign), then you can edit the detail for the different event, or you can  
click Save. Note: if you are also going to be repeating the same detail, you 
can  un-check the "prompt for detail" box in the bottom left before you Save. 
Then  you won't be bothered with it each time.


Michael J Method 

family research of: Method, Feehily, Fredrick, Herzog, tenEyck,  Belsley 

In a message dated 3/9/2009 1:27:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I have  never been able to have a clear understanding as to this
question: Is it  possible to do something OTHER than saving, closing,
ETC., several times,  to add the same source to each aspect of a
person. That's not clear, sorry.  What I mean is this: When putting in
information about a person, right now  I am having to click, save,
etc., for each fact, such as Name, Birth,  Death, Burial, when usually
it is the same source for all of those. I'm  spending hours. Surely
there is a better way. What am I  missing?

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