If I remember correctly it is still possible to have your tree put on to Roots 
Web when you load it into Ancestry and it will remain there for ever so your 
descendants will not have to pay a cent to view it. Or you can put it onto 
Roots Web directly free charge.

Ron Ferguson


Tutorials: Programme of adding videos commenced
View the Grimshaw Family Tree at:
For The Fergusons of N.W. England See:

> Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 09:40:39 -0400
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Off Topic - Life After Posting to
> From:
> To:
> At some point we need to post/share our data in a way that our relatives can 
> find it - decades from now.
> What options are there?
> 1. Give them a printed report of the family history. Effective but instantly 
> gives them the data as of that day & only for one part of the family.
> 2. Give them a CD-ROM with our "latest" data. - Only effective for 2-3 years 
> and only if they have the genealogy software to upload it to.
> 3. Use Ancestry? Yes - I have subscribed since the beginning. But - I don't 
> expect my relatives to pay $155/year (or more) to keep up with it. Yes - I 
> want my data open to everyone. That is - all of my data from 1900 and back.
> 4. I have been trying out the "new" FamilySearch - the linked family trees 
> there are fantastic and best part - it is all free. So - the kids, grandkids 
> - cousins that have zero interest now in genealogy - can find my data - 
> decades from now - with the latest info as current as the last time I updated 
> a record. I can put in every citation and everyone can see it anytime. What 
> they can't see are the "living" relatives AND I never enter anyone from 1900 
> to the present. The terrific feature is that this site will "sync" with 
> Legacy (coming soon) etc. So - I can keep a copy of the family tree from 1900 
> to the present on my laptop using Legacy & it will automatically sync up with 
> the family tree on from 1899 and back. I now only update the 
> older records on "new" FamilySearch and update the recent family data on 
> Legacy. I almost died last year - so I see this as my "permanent" method of 
> keeping and passing on my family tree information. I understand that this 
> newest FamilySearch feature will be released in early 2010.
> When I started researching in 1965 - the local genealogical society 
> encouraged everyone to "preserve" their family tree data on typed charts. 
> They long ago stopped doing that. I see "FamilySearch" as THE modern solution 
> for preserving my data - putting it where relatives can find it. I have well 
> over 80k names now and need a realistic way to "back it all up" and pass it 
> on. For me - this combination of Legacy and the "new" is it.
> Tom
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Kramer> wrote:
> Speaking of putting things on, I was wondering what people's 
> thoughts are. I personally don't want my info accessible to everyone in the 
> any point in the future. I just want it available to authentic 
> relatives. There are ways to get the word out and then word offline with 
> people. That's what I've done so far. However, I would like to her other 
> opinions. I was just elected Family Historian for my mother-in-law's side of 
> the family so I know that within the next year a family policy or something 
> will come up among those I will be working with. My predecessor didn't have a 
> cooperative working relationship in the way that I want to. Your thoughts are 
> much appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Ellen
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 11:24 AM, Jenny M Benson wrote:
> Jim Winfrey wrote
> My question is once you put your data on ancestry, do you do your research 
> there or do you continue with Legacy? I'm more comfortable with Legacy but it 
> means when I find something, I have to enter it in Legacy and again in 
> ancestry. How do other do this?
> Well for a start I "do my research" all over the place using Ancestry, 
> numerous other websites and all sorts places and people and use Legacy to 
> record my findings! I will always do that.
> It's been a while since I uploaded anything to Ancestry (1), but I will get 
> around to uploading more regularly one day. What I *won't* do is upload 
> everything in my file (definitely not pictures and probably not Events, 
> definitely not Research Notes) and nor will I change anything from within 
> Ancestry. Basically, I will have a "tree" on Ancestry and from time to time I 
> will exchange it for a newer one as I have added a few more names.
> (1) For "Ancestry" you could substitute "Genes Reunited" or any other similar 
> site.
> --
> Jenny M Benson
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