
When you do a standard uninstall, not everything is removed from the
Legacy install directory - your Legacy Customer number for starters,
so when you reinstalled the new download program, it would have
installed to the same directory, and the program would have picked up
your customer licence number. To uninstall completely, you need to
first save all necessary files to another location (that is if you
keep your family file and photos etc in the program directory, any
usr settings etc) then when after you uninstall from the control
panel > uninstall a program, you have to physically go into
MyComputer and delete the remaining program folder that Legacy was
installed in. This folder is not removed in the uninstall process.
Then when you reinstall Legacy using the install program, it will
recreate the directory, install Legacy, and when you start Legacy,
you will be required to re-input your customer number.
 Kind Regards, Mark

----- Original Message -----
Sent:Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:35:19 -0500
Subject:Re: [LegacyUG] Unable to link a Source to the correct Event

 Sherry, I have Windows XP. I Uninstalled my Version 5.0, then I
Downloaded Version 5.0 from Millenia and Installed it.. At least I
think I did. It did not ask for my Customer # 52-............... . So
did it just re-Install my 'corrupted' 5.0? Doyce
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