Kathy Meyer wrote:
> Does anyone have a successful way to search records to come
> up with a list of people who would be good prospects for
> ordering their Social Security records?
> I know they would have had to have died after 1936.  I'm not
> sure if women registered or not or if everyone registered or
> if it was just a random thing for registration.  I don't
> want to pay $29 just to find out the person never applied
> for social security or registered with the system.  They're
> not always on the SSDI because if the family didn't apply
> for death benefits, they wouldn't be on there.
> Anyone have a good way to create such a list to consider?  I
> tried but it was too general - too big.  I have the deluxe
> version.
> Feel free to reply privately if you have any attachments to
> share that couldn't be sent thru the list.
> Thanks!! Kathy

I don't know how "good" a system it is, but it worked for
others for years.

FILTERs are:

born after 1870
died after 1962
NOT a farmer [this one eliminates a whale of lot of folks]
NOT self-employed
did NOT die while in the military

It is not necessary to have drawn SS; anyone with an SSN
will have an application on file.

Railroaders filled out the same SSA as the rest of us; IF
they first got their card through the RR, their SSN will be
a 777-##-####.

Federal government employees, civilian or military, have an
SSN.  State and Local governments -- depends; some had their
own independent retirement systems and employees didn't need
an SSN.

VERY few women had an SSN prior to maybe 1960...because very
few women worked in jobs that required an SSN.  My GM
(1902-1997) used her husband's SSN with a B suffix. Her
sister had an SSN as early as 1948, because she was a bank
teller.  Even fewer children had one.



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