Thanks, Susie.  You expressed what I have been thinking over the past few
days as a read all of the alarmist postings.

The world is not ending because of this corporate transaction.  We all have
far more important things to worry about.

On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:35 PM, Susie Zada <> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I suggest that everyone take a big deep breath and read the facts and not
> fly off at ignorant statements.
> It is very sad to see some of the mis-information followed by unwarranted
> attacks on both MyHeritage and LegacyFamilyTree / Millennium.  I am a very
> happy user of both and yes they all have their faults but firstly you can't
> blame either for incorrect data on the trees on their sites.  You should be
> aiming your anger at the poor research done by some people - but hey, is
> there ANYONE who hasn't made a mistake on their tree on this list?  BE
> READ exactly how the hints and matching work - NO-ONE has stolen your data.
> And I know this statement might upset a lot of people but this IS a fact -
> I
> joined MyHeritage and have had some wonderful assistance with their various
> matches and suggestions because there are so many non-Americans involved -
> in other words it's not USA-centric!  And don't start arguing about that or
> denying that as an issue - go back and look at how many messages comment on
> the LFT location 'rules' don't fit the rest of the world.
> I love Legacy and still use it.
> I love My Heritage and definitely use it.  I have made more progress with
> hints in recent times from My Heritage than any other research I've done.
> A very happy customer of both!
> Regards ... Susie Zada
> Geelong, Victoria, Australia with ancestors in Australia, Germany, France,
> Italy, Prussia, England and Ireland - with just a couple of family
> detouring
> via the USA
> --
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