I am pretty sure I am not the only one with this. I have a massive ToDo list
that is out of control.  That is, there is the same reference for multiple

In other words, the category "Birthdate" might appear several times for John
Doe, but the task (description) is different.
32, John Doe, Birthdate, Need to ask Judy about John's birthdate blah,
32, John Doe, Birthdate, Check with former librarian for older vital
statistics books...........
32, John Doe, Birthdate, Post query about John Doe's birthdate..........
32, John Doe, Birthdate, Query group, write Mary Smith, talk to Judy about
John's birthdate...........
(As you can see, there is the same reference to multiple items- "32, John
Doe, Birthdate" all refer to obtaining John's birthdate.)

And so on. Obviously, not all are this neat. I can tag them in the ToDo
list. It would be great to be able to massively delete all tagged items. But
it deletes one item at a time. Yes, I want to delete 1,000s of these. <g>

Has anyone succeeded in tagging ToDo items *and* *also* managed to delete
the tagged items? If you have please tell me what you did.

I can resolve the issue in Access, but that is the "messier & time
consuming" way. I would prefer a neater and easier "Legacy way."

Thank you.


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