I see the "click-through" is still in! Doesn't anybody else think this
is completely insane? An Open License with a click through?

Firefox just tried this is a Beta version and it got thrown out again
after a day.

The wiki says: "All registered users would agree to this on signing up
so will not need a further click-through on each download." Downloads
currently work without signing up, so you don't know who is downloading
what. So all the downloads we have now (planet file, shapes, garmin
maps, ...) need click-throughs (and possible user-tracking) in the

And as everybody who is using the data under the new license must supply
a database with his changed data, of course he must also supply the
click-through. He doesn't know about registered users so he has to
provide his own user tracking to comply or ask for the click-through
every time!

If we can't get rid of the click-through, the license is, in my opinion,
absolutely not acceptible.

Jochen Topf  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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