
Ed Avis wrote:
> Is anyone seriously suggesting that because factual information is not
> covered by copyright, then in countries where no database right is
> recognized, map data can be copied with impunity?


> I know this point has been raised many times, and the discussion tends
> to go in circles, but I think it has never been satisfactorily
> answered.  

Yes, unfortunately these things tend to be settled only if/when someone 
is actually sued, and often the result of such court proceedings isn't 
even applicable to other cases.

> Either copyright applies to map data or it doesn't; and if
> it doesn't, then why are we wasting time walking round with GPS
> devices?

It might be that it doesn't but we know that some people will fight to 
their (organisation's) death for it anyway - so do we want to spend the 
rest of our lives fighting legal battles because we know we're right, or 
just use a GPS and move on?

> If it is the settled view of the OSM project, based on legal advice,
> that copyright plus CC-BY-SA does not protect the Openstreetmap
> geodata from being copied and incorporated into other works, can an
> official statement be made to this effect?

No, because we play the same game as everyone else does. We don't know 
if there is copyright but we claim there is, just to be on the "safe" 
side, i.e. at least instil some fear of potential lawsuits in those who 
would use our data without adhering to our license.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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