On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 9:55 AM, Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com> wrote:

> Anthony wrote:
> >(By the way, to answer Frederick more directly, the laws surrounding
> joint
> >authorship are *not* relatively universal.  In the UK, joint authorship
> works
> >in almost exactly the *opposite* way.  In order to exploit a joint
> work, you
> >need the permission of *all* the joint authors, not just one.)
> Yes, I talked with Francis Davey about this and he said the same.
> The joint work rules are an American pecularity and generate lots of
> well-
> paid legal work drafting contracts to get around them.  Everywhere
> except
> the USA there isn't this problem.

Does anyone have insight into how Wikipedia deal with this?  Is it even a
concern for them, and if not, why not?

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