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My apologies.*


Hi there!

I'm looking to use the Open Street Map data to construct a separate map,
mainly importing the road, building, and parks data for use. My intended
use is to create a "grid like" system for an online, tile based video game
(not to be confused with "tiles" in the OSM sense, but squares like on a
board game or RPG - see http://orig04.deviantart.net/
88fd/f/2014/050/f/9/new_caverns_by_nicnubill-d776qy8.png as an example.) I
already know that since I am using OSM data to create this map, it is a
derivative work, and the map will need to be publicly available and I will
credit OSM.

During play of this game, there will be randomly generated NPCs (non
playable characters) and some random other elements like rocks (both which
would not compete with any feature type of existing OSM information, as
"rock data” for example, would not be imported from OSM). These elements
will only be generated as an overlay on tile squares which are “human
moveable” - most likely road and park squares. Their positions are
sometimes secret, and discovery of these positions is a goal within the

My questions are surrounding horizontal map layers, as outlined here -

1. Am I allowed to only make publicly available the database of the
tile-based map (roads, buildings, parks) WITHOUT the randomly generated
layer of NPCs and other elements like rocks?
2. Am I correct in thinking that these elements would be considered
non-OpenStreetMap data, or would they, since these elements operate within
the bounds of the existing road, building, park grid squares?
3. If I am needing to distribute these additional layers in the database
dump, how would it be applicable? Their positions would be changing
constantly, potentially daily if not hourly from the online backend system.

Thank you very much for reading my question.
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