Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 15:42:30 +0100
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re Owen Jones

You may excuse that I am a bid astonished about the way you
communicate with each other. I am in this list not very long, much
shorter as I am being in [EMAIL PROTECTED], much shorter then in
others. I have sofar, if I am right, not written any statement here.
So you might take this as my virgin and innocent view, that all
concerned in the matter are acting like idiots.

First of all it seems to me as being totally false to compare in
anyway Stalin with Hitler. That is bourgoise history, some sort of
putting analysis on a moralic level, which in return (that is
dialetic) becomes an immorally result. The age of Stalinism is much
more complicated and should be handled with any respect for the way
of historic analysis we normally use.

Owen Jones is not an idiot from the next corner. Have non of you ever
lost his temper in any discussion? I did. Not that I am saying that
is o.k., but it happens. Should everybody be expelt from discussion
who shows human behaviour. Loosing ones temper is just human. To ask
for excuse is human as well.

I am neither a Stalinist, nor I am a Trotzkist. I am one of those
yesterdays people still believing that the Soviet Union, the GDR and
the other socialist States were one of the main steps forward for
mankind. Even if I know that among the rest of this list only a few
will have the same view on that, I would like to ask you not to
behave as is you made three steps back in evolution.


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