On Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 7:59:09 AM UTC-4 iamap...@gmail.com wrote:

Would you explain more fully what you mean by "access the content of..."?  
One way is to CTRL-click on the UNL's string in a body node.  This will 
navigate you to that location, opening the outline if necessary.  It should 
also be easy enough to write a new command that navigates to a UNL that is 
in the clipboard. It just depends on what you mean ...

Hi, Thomas, 

Thanks for your reply. 
I want to get the content of UNL by script, like `p.b` to get the body 
content in the current node.

Do you mean you want a method or function to return the text of the body of 
the node addressed by the UNL? In general, the UNL could point to another 
outline.  Will you be looking only in the current outline, or any outline?  
And if the latter, do you care if that other outline gets opened during 
execution of the function?

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