OK, here is a simple demonstration of part of the feature I am interested 

When run with an image in the (global) clipboard, it saves this to a local 
timestamped file (under ~/tmp), and indicates how a markdown reference to 
that file could be inserted.

There's plenty more needed but this is the QClipboard part, I think.

import os
import time
def unique_png_fname():
    """ return a unique (timestamped) filename to use
    return time.strftime(FORMAT)

def link_string_md(fname):
    """ get markdown format to insert a filename
    return "![[%s]]" % fname

def main():
    # get clipboard contents - default mode is global clipboard
    cb = g.app.gui.qtApp.clipboard()
    # is it in image format?
    img = cb.image()
    if not img.isNull():
        basefiledir = os.path.expanduser("~/tmp")
        fqfilepath = os.path.join(basefiledir, unique_png_fname())
        img.save(fqfilepath, "PNG")
        g.es("wrote clipboard to:", fqfilepath)
        g.es("could insert:", link_string_md(fqfilepath))
        g.es("clipboard not in image format")


On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 8:23:42 PM UTC jkn wrote:

> Doh! should have read the documentation better.
> you have to test for a 'null image' using eg. img.isnull()
> on with my trivial experiments...
> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 8:10:03 PM UTC jkn wrote:
>> Has anyone played much with class QClipboard? I did a couple of trivial 
>> experiments but I must be misunderstanding something.
>> for instance, QClipboard.image() returns a non-null value even if the 
>> clipboard does not contain an image.
>>     J^n
>> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 4:33:23 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> It turns out that to get the relative path conversion w have to remove 
>>> any quotation marks around the path before running os.relpath(). So the 
>>> script becomes:
>>> """Insert RsT code at cursor to display an image.
>>> The path to the image file will come from a file dialog.
>>> This action is undoable.
>>> """
>>> PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
>>>     title="Import File",
>>>     filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],
>>>     defaultextension=".*",
>>>     multiple=False)
>>> if PATH:
>>>     from os.path import relpath
>>>     PATH = PATH.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
>>>     PATH = relpath(PATH)
>>>     PATH = PATH.replace('\\', '/')
>>>     IMAGE_TEMPLATE = f'''
>>> .. figure:: {PATH}
>>>     :scale: 50%
>>> '''
>>>     w = c.frame.body.wrapper
>>>     p = c.p
>>>     s = p.b
>>>     u = c.undoer
>>>     start, _ = w.getSelectionRange()
>>>     undoType = 'insert-rst-image-code'
>>>     undoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
>>>     head, tail = s[:start], s[start:]
>>>     p.b = head + IMAGE_TEMPLATE + tail
>>>     c.setChanged()
>>>     p.setDirty()
>>>     u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, undoData)
>>>     c.redraw()
>>> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 2:04:19 PM UTC-5 Thomas Passin wrote:
>>>> We can't directly insert an image into a standard Leo node because they 
>>>> are text-only.  I find this very annoying sometimes, especially when I am 
>>>> writing a note and want to include an image.  
>>>> But we can do the next best thing - insert an ReStructuredText (RsT) 
>>>> instruction to display an image so that we can view it with the 
>>>> viewrendered3 plugin (VR3). The instruction is short and easy, but it's 
>>>> still annoying to type and I usually forget the exact details. I have a 
>>>> button that toggles VR3 on and off so that it's easy to view an embedded 
>>>> image once the RsT instruction is there. An embedding command would make 
>>>> embedding with Leo as easy as embedding an image in a word processor.  
>>>>  Aha, this is Leo, let's write a script!
>>>> Here is a script that pops up a file dialog and inserts a relative path 
>>>> to the chosen file.  There are several small variations which I discuss 
>>>> after the code.
>>>> """Insert RsT code at cursor to display an image.
>>>> The path to the image file will come from a file dialog.
>>>> This action is undoable.
>>>> """
>>>> PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
>>>>     title="Import File",
>>>>     filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],
>>>>     defaultextension=".*",
>>>>     multiple=False)
>>>> if PATH:
>>>>     from os.path import relpath
>>>>     PATH = relpath(PATH)
>>>>     PATH = PATH.replace('\\', '/').replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
>>>>     IMAGE_TEMPLATE = f'''
>>>> .. figure:: {PATH}
>>>>     :scale: 50%
>>>> '''
>>>>     w = c.frame.body.wrapper
>>>>     p = c.p
>>>>     s = p.b
>>>>     u = c.undoer
>>>>     start, _ = w.getSelectionRange()
>>>>     undoType = 'insert-rst-image-code'
>>>>     undoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
>>>>     head, tail = s[:start], s[start:]
>>>>     p.b = head + IMAGE_TEMPLATE + tail
>>>>     c.setChanged()
>>>>     p.setDirty()
>>>>     u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, undoData)
>>>>     c.redraw()
>>>> Variations:
>>>> 1.  If you want an absolute path instead of a relative path, delete the 
>>>> lines
>>>>     from os.path import relpath
>>>>     PATH = relpath(PATH)
>>>> with
>>>> 2. If you  want to get the path from the clipboard instead of a file 
>>>> dialog, replace the lines
>>>> PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
>>>>     title="Import File",
>>>>     filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],
>>>>     defaultextension=".*",
>>>>     multiple=False)
>>>> with the line 
>>>>     PATH = g.app.gui.getTextFromClipboard()
>>>> 3. If you want the embedded image to be full width instead of 50%, 
>>>> delete the line
>>>>     :scale: 50%
>>>> 4. You can make this work with Markdown or Asciidoc by using their 
>>>> embedding instruction in the TEMPLATE instead of the RsT one.
>>>> I have added the command to my own local menu.  VR3 can open in a tab 
>>>> in the log pane; the command for toggling in a tab is 
>>>> *vr3-toggle-tab. * I usually like opening it in the log pane instead 
>>>> of in its own separate pane.
>>>> If you would like to create a local menu of your own and don't know 
>>>> how, it's easy.  Just ask and I'll show what to add to myLeoSettings,leo.

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