This Engineering Notebook post contains second thoughts about Trilium 

*tl;dr:* Leo might add only *incremental *improvements inspired by Trilium 
Notes. All fundamental aspects of Leo will remain as they are.

*Leo's body pane*

Yesterday, I proposed that Leo's body might contain either text (p.b) or 
graphics (the VR pane). I now think that's a dubious idea. Instead, the VR 
pane could (optionally) be a separate window.

Swapping the contents of the body pane creates more problems than it solves:

- The UI (and its rationale) becomes significantly more complex. There are 
hidden rules at work.

- The UI prevents users from seeing both p.b and the VR pane 
simultaneously. Trilium sometimes works around this problem by showing the 
source and results in the same pane.

- Leo's body pane is anchored and can't expand or move.

Allowing the VR pane to be a separate window solves all these problems.

*Trilium's strengths*

Trilium emphasizes graphics throughout.

I particularly like the demo of Mermaid Diagrams <>. 
Mermaid is a Javascript project. Several vs-code plugins support such 
diagrams, so LeoInteg and LeoJS already have access to Mermaid Diagrams! 
The Python world has python-mermaid 
<>, so Leo's VR plugins could 
support Mermaid too.

*Trilium's weaknesses*

Trilium undervalues the power of text:

- There is no minibuffer and no way to execute commands by name. There are 
no menus! Instead, small icons must suffice. 

- Organizer nodes contain "preview cards" (my term) that show rendering 
descendant nodes. There is no obvious way to create text summaries of a 

- Trilium can not create external files. Unless I am mistaken, one can only 
export nodes.

*Ideas worth emulating*

Trilium nodes often show the "attached" css and Javascript. These views 
seem like the inverse of Leo's @button scripts. Some possibilities for Leo:

-- A new *p.css* property. This property would contain css that modified 
the view of p.b or the VR pane. Setting this property might require a new 
UI element.

-- A new *p.ui_script* property. This property might contain the rendering 
script in effect for the node. For security reasons, this property *must 
not* be settable.

As discussed in a previous post, the VR plugins could render *@rst-tree* nodes 
using all the node's descendants. And Leo's rst3 command might support 
@graphics and other VR-related nodes.

*A plugin-base VR architecture*

Leo's existing VR and VR3 plugins are monolithic. Both plugins would 
benefit from a more modular organization.


*Changing the rendering of Leo's body pane is a dubious idea.* Instead:

- As an option, the VR pane could become a floating window.

- The VR pane could use a modular architecture based on plugins. I look 
forward to discussing this topic with Thomas.

- Leo's rst3 command might support VR-related nodes.

I welcome all comments.


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