On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 05:11:10PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> I've committed a major change to the -dev version of LFS.
> The new version installs systemd and System V side-by-side with the 
> ability to reconfigure and come up in the other system.

 I'm sorry to see eudev disappear from the book after its brief
appearance, but more power to your elbow for providing the two
alternative init systems.

 I'm now sufficiently interested by this to try a _minimal_ build
(i.e. LFS and not much else - many of the things I normally build
before rebooting have their own local bootscripts, which will
probably give me pain in systemd), and then try running that
[expletive deleted :-o ] init variant.

 But first, I'm still in the middle of various non-LFS-related
things, together with some BLFS tickets.  I've now completed a build
of my normal desktop on svn-20140331 with the following : linux-3.14,
gmp-6.0.0a, tzdata-2014b, file-5.18, flex-2.5.39 with lex as a
symlink following Armin's suggestion, libpipeline-1.3.0.  If it
assists, I can pick up any of those tickets.

 Meantime, two brief comments -

> The scripts to reconfigure are in /usr/local/sbin and are named 
> set-systemd and set-sysv.  I recommend re-reading Chapter 7 as there are 
> a lot of changes there.

 Why /usr/local ?  They will be an intrinsic part of LFS if this all
works out.  Some of us occasionally try things in /usr/local, and
then wipe it all out. [ Well, I do ;-) ].

> I'm sure there are still latent bugs in the current commit, whether they 
> be in scripts, build instructions, or text.  Please test this out and 
> let me know of needed changes.

 Section 7.3.3 (configuring the network with systemd) - I think
there is missing whitespace in front of '@' in each of the three
commands in this section.  At the moment they each say
ifupdown@eth0 ?

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