> > > "It would be nice if lftp would be stopped by <Ctrl>-Z, when at entered at
> > > its command prompt."
> >
> > To freeze lftp? Or to get back a command shell? If it's to get a command
> > shell, then do '!'. If it's to freeze it, well... I don't see the point
> > of doing that ;-)
> Its to get a shell.
> The default in shells is to use <Ctrl>-Z so the runing job
> will go into the backgroup and you have your shell back.
> The point is to use the shell job management.

Don't forget that there is a built-in job management into lftp: you can
start multiple downloads, stop each of them using <Ctrl>-Z (that's why
you can't CTRL-Z lftp: it catch the signal for this feature) and resume
each of them using 'wait' or 'fg'. (by default, in lftp, when you CTRL-Z a
download, it goes on background, it doesn't freeze)

Maybe this can be done, yeah, for example by disabling the signal handler
when it goes back to the prompt, and re-enabling it when a job goes
foreground. Might be an idea.

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