Assange is still living at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London,  coming
up on his first anniversary, despite being granted asylum.. so..
Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 12:29 PM, Shava Nerad <> wrote:
> Regarding "extraordinary renditions:"  I have to note that there has been
> phenomenally zip in the news media on these since Obama got smacked on the
> nose about them a few years ago.  Most of the FBI news stories regarding
> domestic terrorism have been show trials regarding sting operations of
> Muslim men, usually seeming to have mental health issues, who were entrapped
> by a network of operatives into planting a fake bomb and then put on some
> trial with a grand jury and put away on felony charges in some form of War
> on Terror theater.
> It is hard for me to believe that, in the interim of the administration
> getting its nose smacked and now, that nothing but the Boston bombing has
> erupted (pardon the term) on the domestic terrorism front.  So I have to
> assume DHS has quietly been continuing with renditions.  Much more quietly.
> To God knows where, since they seem to be doing overtures to shut down Gitmo
> now.  When that gets revealed, it will make Prism look like a sideshow --
> sending US citizens to foreign prisons without trial for interminable
> imprisonment?  Tasty.  Honestly it's hard for me to imagine it hasn't been
> happening.  The absence of news nearly proves it.  I can't believe that the
> terrorists have just...given up.  Well, except for two boys in Boston,
> unanticipated.
> This is a big country, and we have at least as many enemies as Israel and
> other places that are quite rife with violence.  I'm sure there is gang
> violence being misreported and other things being spun.  But I am equally
> sure we are disappearing people.  It can't have stopped, and there are no
> real trials.  Strategically, as risk management, historically, statistically
> -- it makes no sense.  This is my assessment.
> Yet several journalists I've asked about it (one of whom is on this list)
> have told me, "Find evidence and we'll report it."  Oddly, I used to think
> that was the job of investigative journalists -- to find the gaps in logic
> and find the facts to fit them.  I don't have those resources, but then,
> neither do the newsrooms these days.  And some of them won't jeopardize
> sources if they did, so it's on the back of...whistleblowers, traitors, the
> semantics get ever more complicated.
> Every year as I age I get more and more compassion for the current elder
> generation in Germany.  It makes me sad.  What color rose shall the American
> resistance pick -- blue perhaps?   We have them now.
> yrs,
> --
> Shava Nerad
> --
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