> Ping me off line to chat about how I can help.

Will do, Thomas. Thanks for the offer.

> >    - Determine whether to maintain LT's mailing lists on Mailman
> >    <https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech> or to
> >    transition them to a content management system (e.g., Discourse.org).
> If it ain't broken, don't touch the thing. "Stick with mailman" is what
> gets my vote. I don't want yet-another-site-to-log-into to read LT
> discussions. I want LT right here in my mailbox.
> It's low barrier and facilitates interaction, as opposed to some CMS
> that now I have to go and log into and then figure out what's
> interesting or not, and what I may want to read or reply to... I'm never
> going to do that...(*)
> E-mail is right there in my inbox: I have my own copy, I can do with it
> what I want, I don't have to log into some other place, it fits nicely
> in my existing workflows... and mailman is kind enough to give me a
> searchable archive. Now, whether we stick with Stanford's mailman or
> not, /that/ I don't care too much about, I care that it's not locked up
> behind some other system I now have to have an account with... I care
> that it stays an e-mail list.
> Regardless of whatever CMS we pick, if we were to go that route, there's
> always going to be some problem with it where we want to do X or Y and
> we can't quite do it. With e-mail, everyone can pick the client they
> like: (al)pine, mutt, Thunderbird, outlook (if you're so included) or
> gmail (yuk). Everyone gets to pick the tool they like best, instead of
> everyone being forced to use system X or Y and being strapped into the
> harness of how that tool thinks you ought to interact with its world.
> I think that part of the value of the LT mailman service is that is
> specifically is NOT an Internet forum and that it specifically is an
> e-mail list, which facilitates conversations where the focus is on
> content and ideas. If I want a forum, I'll go to reddit or some similar
> site. (Speaking of which, https://www.reddit.com/r/liberationtech
> apparently has been banned? Is this this same LibTech?)
> Remind me what it is that Discourse offers that plain-text e-mail does not?
> (*) I don't mean this as a threat, at all (after all, I have nothing to
> threaten you with), but if you're putting LT behind some other
> wall/gate, I know myself well enough to be able to tell you with high
> confidence that you'll lose me from LT... and I think a couple of others
> as well...

Those on the list who suggested Discourse.com did it so we could have more
functionality than just mass emailing. Here are Discourse.com's key

   - https://www.discourse.org/features
   - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse_(software)

In any case, it appears that Discourse.com allows you to have their
platform while maintaining the Mailman mailing lists. Of course, we could
do that anyway to make sure everyone is happy.

Independent of whether we use Discourse.com, list migration to a new domain
is pretty simple. All that would change is the domain name. Other than
that, list subscribers would likely not even notice that we've migrated.
Liberationtech is public & archives are searchable on Google. Violations of 
list guidelines will get you moderated: 
https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech. Unsubscribe, 
change to digest, or change password by emailing the moderator at 

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