April 15 - One of the most disliked days in history. 
Yesterday was no different but for me it was a very productive day. 
I started the day at 6 am by answering my e mails and ending it 21 hours  
and 575 miles later crawling into bed. 

I went over to Orlando to pick up Vicki (She is a good  traveling companion 
and tireless worker). From Orlando we traveled back to  SR 19 and to SR 40 
and through the forest to Ocala. We got to the Ocala Square  (Downtown site 
of the Original Marion County Courthouse) and was almost  immediately joined 
by Billy Ackerman and Ken Donnlley to whom I delivered  some operation 
politically homeless material. Vicki and I stayed there  until about 2 PM. Ken 
stayed longer. We talked to about 30 or so people and I  waved one of my 
signs on the corner of Magnolia and Silver Springs for about an  hour. 
Ken was doing a good job of presenting the LP and why we should  increase 
our numbers. 
We did turn at least one person from being hostile to us to being a  
supporter and met several registered Libertarians. 
Vicki and I left Ocala just shortly after 2 PM but Ken was going to hang  
around for a while longer. 
We got on I-75 and headed south to Punta Gorda. We arrived at Laishley  
Park on the Peace River at about 4:40 PM. Had a real hard time at finding a  
parking spot, but finally did. When we arrived, there  were already  over 300 
people present and the crowd grew to about twice that or more by the 5  PM 
starting time and kept growing to between 750 and 1000 people. 
Grabbed some "stuff" and headed to the pavilion where the event leaders  
were. Meet with the organizer, learned at what time I would speak and went 
back  to the car to get our table, chair and signs. 
Being on the Peace River it was very windy and some of my stuff kept  
blowing away while I was trying to set up. Many people kindly returned it to 
There were 5 gubernatorial candidates there, plus several other speakers.  
Two of the other speakers tried to impress the crowd that they must return 
the  corrupt Republicans to office but that did not really set well with the 
crowd.  One was Radio host "Captain  America" who is on close to 100 radio 
stations  at this time.
The idea of having Gubernatorial Candidates sprang from a request by  Paula 
Dockery to be able to speak to the Punta Gorda Tea Party on  Tax Day. I 
guess she wanted to be the only speaker but the organizers  did not think that 
was proper and decided to invite all 21 filed candidates.  Only 5 replied 
and of course Ms. Dockery was a no show. The only others who were  brave 
enough to show up were _Trujillo_ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=50796) _, _ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=50796) , 
(NPA), _Crawford_ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=51298) _, _ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=51298) _ D._ 
(REP), _Samuel_ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=51090) _, _ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=51090) _ B._ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=51090)   (REP) 
and _Khavari_ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=50620) _, _ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=50620) _Farid_ 
(http://election.dos.state.fl.us/candidate/CanDetail.asp?account=50620) _ A._ 
The only one that impressed me was the Cuban immigrant Lesther Trujillo, he 
 is a good addition to the US population. 
My Eight minutes went fast. After the required mention of the LP and my web 
 site, the fact that our problems were the equally and joint responsibility 
 of both the Republican and Democrat party's and such, I gave a shortened  
version of my "WHY TRY: THE CANDIDACY OF A FREE MAN" an article that  
appeared in the Ocala Star banner in 2006. (Added below) I did add in  
to my favorite Florida law about it being criminal to take a bath  without 
cloths on but other wise I read it as written. I do have to work on my  
presentation style but I muddle through.
The biggest applause line was the reference to the joint  responsibility by 
the Republicans and the democrats. The only things that  received more 
applause were 7 of the 10 items from the "Contract from  America" which was 
at the beginning of the event. The second biggest  applause line was at the 
end of the speech when I said "I will not bow to  anyone" Then I just 
reminded everyone who I was and that I was a  Libertarian and to vote for me. 
Afterward, I was the only candidate to try to greet the attendees and  to 
thank them as they were leaving. I shook hands and gave hugs for about 45  
minutes. I gave out all of the business cards I had with me and about  50 
bumper stickers. 
A week before the event I had sent out e mails to about 300 people in the  
area. I got responses from two people who said they were there only because 
of  the e mail. Vicki got contact information. 
On the way home we stopped in Sarasota to eat and our waiter said he  was a 
libertarian and we gave him some of our information and some to give to  
people he knew who were registered Libertarian. 
After we got on I-4 I had a 30 minute conversation with Alex. 
He reported that he had a good time at a Tampa Tea Party and of course  
Rubio failed to show. 
I dropped Vicki off at about 11:30 PM and headed home.
In Apopka at almost midnight I was stopped by the police for changing lanes 
 without using my turn signal and of course it took two officers to write 
me  a warning ticket. After I had signed the warning one of the officers ask 
me  if I was really running for Governor and how my day went. 
I told him that I had spent 3 hours in Ocala and Punta Gorda railing  
against bad laws and had a good time. He ask me what my definition  of  bad 
were and I said "The law you used to stop me is a bad law" 
I wished them a good and safe evening and went into the 7-11 to get a cup  
of coffee. 
I finally got home about 12:30 and got into bed about 1 PM with only a  
"traffic warning ticket" to prove the day existed. 
Unfortunately we were too busy in both Ocala and Punta Gorda to take  
Pictures but there was someone there filming the speeches and I will try to  
a copy and use the excerpt of my speech.
I really want to thank Billy and Ken as well as Dave Kesselring of the  
Punta Gorda Tea party. 
Life is good and fun. Have a good day.   
John Wayne

Freedom is the Goal - Responsibility is the Price -  Tolerance is the 
My name is John Wayne Smith. I was born in Leesburg, Florida. Some of my  
ancestors have been roaming Florida’s hills, woods and swamps for over 10,000 
 years. I hope that my descendants are able to do the same, and to be as 
free as  were my ancestors.
Writing about why I should be your Governor is no easy  task, especially 
since I stand against current wisdom most of the time.  I am the kind of man 
that the government fears the most. I am a free  man. I am a competent man. I 
do not need or want someone to live my life  for me. I am a peaceful man. I 
assist my neighbors when ask or I see  that assistance will be beneficial. 
I accept assistance from my neighbors in  like events. I do not initiate 
aggression against anyone, but I reserve the  right to vigorously defend my 
Man is not an animal. Man is not born  with all the knowledge that it takes 
to live in today’s world. Man must have  guidance. There must be a code to 
live by. That code or philosophy must be  rational. Yet it must allow each 
person to live as they see best (as long as  they hurt no one else). So I 
believe in law and order. These laws must not try  to make all people fit a 
given mold. Laws must not try to make every person  alike.  Laws should allow 
people to be individuals. 
Man, by his very  nature, must be free to exercise his judgment in all 
matters as long as he  respects the right of others to do the same, as long as 
they pose no immediate  threat to another person. I do believe that there 
must be someone that will  enforce reasonable laws on an evenhanded basis.  
There must be law  enforcement.
In today’s world, what should be a book only a few inches thick,  are 
several yards thick. No person can go for one hour without breaking some  law. 
Even if they think that they are correct, upstanding, law abiding citizens.  
Legislators meet with someone almost daily in order to devise more laws, and  
more powerful laws. Most of these laws have unintended effects, but all 
insure  that you cannot pass through life with out being a habitual criminal.  
Bureaucrats, hired, not elected are busy turning out page after page of  
regulations that you must live by and page after page of how they will steal 
the  money to force you to live by what they write.
Am I a good guy, not necessarily? Am I a bad guy, I harm no one. I  bow to 
no one. Will you be brave enough to elect me that remain to be  seen? But if 
you believe that humans are and have the right to be responsible  
individuals, then you will. You will break the yoke of oppression, created by  
current government system. You will help insure that Florida and America  
remain the land of the free, the home of the brave, as well as the responsible. 
You will make Florida a better place to live for everyone, not just for the 
 government and its employees. Only if you are willing to break the yoke of 
 government oppression will Florida have a bright future.
Were you to elect me I would not go to Tallahassee with the promise that I  
would steal money from everyone that I could just so that the bureaucrats 
or you  could spend it the way that the bureaucrats or you want to. I would 
not promise  that I would force everyone to fit into a mold of bureaucratic 
choosing. I would  not promise to be an all-knowing god. 
What I would promise would be to try to make all Florida a freer place to  
live. I would promise that there would be adequate law enforcement to 
enforce  necessary laws. Laws that would allow you to be free, and to choose 
own  life path as long as you aggressed against no one. I would promise to 
try to  reduce taxes to the point that all proper government functions are 
adequately  funded and that all unnecessary and not proper functions are not 

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