Jim, it is anything but the libertarian economy that leads to oligarchy.  Those 
who start off with a lot wealth, (e.g. inherited), who will eventually lose it. 
 You know the old saw about a fool and his omney being soon parted.  Wherever 
you see these obscene accummulations of wealth, somewhere along the line, 
someone got cut a deal.  See oil and the Rockefellers, the Kennedys and alcohol 
and aggressive moprgage foreclosures, etc.  

--- In LibertarianExchange@yahoogroups.com, jwsmith42...@... wrote:
> Libertarian economic theory does not even try to prevent oligarchs. 
> But with out the force of government and guns oligarchs can not form or  
> survive. 
> It is your "rules" that allow the oligarchs to form and thrive. 
> Oligarchs survive only by the use of force. When men are not  forced into 
> what you want them to be, you will find that there would not be any  
> oligarchs. 
> I am much more "progressive" than you could ever hope to be because I  
> believe that no man should be forced to be sub-servant to any other man and  
> any 
> man who would use force to make another man do his biding should forfeit 
> the  right to life. 
> No one has the "right" to the products of another man and it you want the  
> products I produce you will trade honestly with me. When you try to force me 
> to  provide those products to anyone who wants them you will find that I 
> will  no longer produce and those who you wished to be the beneficiaries of 
> my 
>  production will starve to death or learn to produce the things themselves. 
> The "self correcting system" you want is called freedom and the "equalizing 
>  force" you wish to see is honest work. When you empower the moochers in 
> anyway  what you get is the "Oligarchs" you decry. 
> Like the monks in France I believe that man was born with "FREE WILL" and  
> has the right to do or not to do as long as they do not try to force others 
> to  do for them and unlike the "pope" I do not believe that he or any others 
> have  the right to force me to produce for their benefit. I would forfeit 
> "life"  before I would produce against my "FREE WILL" for the benefit of any 
> others  unless it was because I wanted the others to trade with me.   
> You and your "Progressive" friends wish to force me under the threat of  
> death to produce for the "looters" of others property and souls. I will no do 
> it. 
> You and your "Progressive" friends are the cause of the "oligarchs" you  
> claim to despise because you will use the force of guns and the threat of 
> death  to gain what you wish for yourself and the "LESS FORTUNATE".  
> "Give me liberty or give me death" screw the "Less Fortunate". Make them  
> earn what they get.  
> 203 W. Magnolia Street, Leesburg, Florida 34748
> Phone  352 787 5550 E Mail _jwsmith42...@..._ 
> (mailto:jwsmith42...@...) 
> Web  Site _http://www.JohnWayne4Gov.com_ (http://www.JohnWayne4Gov.com)   
> In a message dated 6/12/2010 7:34:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> bottomlinejim2...@... writes:
> How,  exactly, does Libertarian economic theory prevent oligarchs? It seems 
> to me  that without rules, those who start off at the top will have an 
> unfair  advantage and will take over industry.
> I just think that sometimes,  there must be an equalizing force for the 
> self directing and self correcting  system to work. That's why we have 
> left-right, male-female,  etc.

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