On 19. april. 2008, at 01.57, William Ahern wrote:
In some sense--like code complexity--using both an event-oriented design *and* threads is the worst of both worlds. Your processing logic is turned inside-out (state machines, etc, can be confusing to some people), plus you have mutexes and barriers and all that crap littered throughout your code.

He he, the crack you just heard is the thin ice you walked out on.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil....

Oh that is an old misunderstood meme. What Hoare actually said was "We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil." He was talking about micro-optimizing code. Not exactly what I would call thinking about a scalable program design, which one should think about from the start and at all time, unless you work in the Microsoft Office team.
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