
> Great!  I've been working on array support but never had time to finish
> it.

I checked the HEAD of the repository-trunk, but did not find any evedence
for array support. Did you ever commit the work you have done so far?

> > If there is any interrest, I would like to publish this workarround on
> the
> > wiki. Where shall I post this?
> Easiest thing, I think, is to open a bug ticket for it on pqxx.org.

Basically it works like this: (I am afraid, this might by to much a
hack for some customers)

First I create a pure C function which does nothing else than copying the
raw array-data into a Postgres bytea-object. This function must be part of
a Postgres shared object, which has to be loaded into the server-side-part
of Postgres, ie. SPI-functions.

Next in the Postgres-shell you have to load this shared object, register
the function with Postgres and create a cast using this function:
# CREATE FUNCTION my_cast(int[]) RETURNS bytea AS 'mylib.so', 'my_cast' \
# CREATE CAST(int[] AS bytea) WITH FUNCTION my_cast(int[]);

During a pqxx-query, one can ask for the array as
  std::ostringstream sql;
  sql<<"SELECT CAST(myarray AS bytea) FROM mytable WHERE 1";
  pqxx::result query = cur.exec(sql.str());
not the raw array can be used as
  pqxx::binarystring bytea(tuple[0]);
and by reintrerpret_cast'ing bytea.data() to my special class (which 
basically only recalculates the offsets), the real integer array can be 
extracted to an int*
This also works for float's and all other fixed-size types.

1. This solution has a big drawback. Since clients and servers can be
on different endian'ess hosts, array-data would have to be converted, 
using function such as htonl and ntohl. In my case I can skip this, because
I know that they run on the same hardware.

2. Many clients might not be willing to install a shared module to do
the conversion between int[] and bytea.

While my solution works fine for me, I am not sure, that this can be a
general approach. However, I did not find any other solution to transfer
array data, unless one is willing to perform a

If there is a better concept, please let me know. If you think my solution
is of generic usage, I will work on my conversion-class to make it more


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