compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.cxx     |    8 
 compilerplugins/clang/      |   20 +
 compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.results |  315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 3 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit bd3d2daa20f17079c087636b4362fc8527a392bd
Author:     Noel Grandin <>
AuthorDate: Thu May 9 13:34:38 2024 +0200
Commit:     Noel Grandin <>
CommitDate: Thu May 9 15:19:37 2024 +0200

    loplugin:mergeclasses update
    (*) remove some debugging code
    (*) loosen constraints a little so I can see if there are more
    interesting opportunities
    (*) rename some local vars to make it read better
    (*) strip const/& modifiers from types before comparing
    (*) ignore vars/fields that are references, they do indicate that a
    class was instantiated
    Change-Id: I66014b8f0aa24c2e3ca34af75b75e6cd6c939ea6
    Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>
    Tested-by: Jenkins

diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.cxx 
index 0c023a9bd15a..5081517f402a 100644
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.cxx
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.cxx
@@ -107,7 +107,9 @@ bool MergeClasses::VisitVarDecl( const VarDecl* pVarDecl )
     if (ignoreLocation(pVarDecl)) {
         return true;
-    std::string s = pVarDecl->getType().getAsString();
+    if (pVarDecl->getType()->isReferenceType())
+        return true;
+    std::string s = pVarDecl->getType().getUnqualifiedType().getAsString();
     if (!ignoreClass(s))
     return true;
@@ -119,7 +121,9 @@ bool MergeClasses::VisitFieldDecl( const FieldDecl* 
pFieldDecl )
     if (ignoreLocation(pFieldDecl)) {
         return true;
-    std::string s = pFieldDecl->getType().getAsString();
+    if (pFieldDecl->getType()->isReferenceType())
+        return true;
+    std::string s = pFieldDecl->getType().getUnqualifiedType().getAsString();
     if (!ignoreClass(s))
     return true;
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/ 
index bbd469724218..ccf2b66f7f9c 100755
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ def extractModuleName(clazz):
 with open("compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.results", "wt") as f:
     # loop over defined, but not instantiated classes
     for clazz in sorted(definitionSet - instantiatedSet):
-        if clazz == "svl::IUndoManager": print(parentChildDict[clazz])
         # ignore classes without any children, and classes with more than one 
         if (clazz not in parentChildDict) or (len(parentChildDict[clazz]) != 
@@ -66,11 +65,16 @@ with open("compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.results", 
"wt") as f:
         # help with the WeakComponentImpl template magic
         if ("mutex" in clazz) or ("Mutex" in clazz):
-        otherclazz = next(iter(parentChildDict[clazz]))
-        if clazz == "svl::IUndoManager": print(extractModuleName(clazz))
-        if otherclazz == "svl::IUndoManager": 
-        # exclude combinations that span modules because we often use those to 
make cross-module dependencies more manageable.
-        if extractModuleName(clazz) != extractModuleName(otherclazz):
-            continue
-        f.write( "merge " + clazz + " with " + otherclazz + "
" )
+        subclazz = next(iter(parentChildDict[clazz]))
+        # if the other class has more than child, it is not a candidate for 
+        #if (otherclazz in parentChildDict) and 
(len(parentChildDict[otherclazz]) != 1):
+        #    continue
+        # Combinations that span modules we often use those to make 
cross-module dependencies more manageable,
+        # so mark them with maybe.
+        module1 = extractModuleName(clazz)
+        module2 = extractModuleName(subclazz)
+        if module1 != module2:
+            f.write( "maybe merge " + clazz + " with " + subclazz + ", in 
modules " + module1 + " and " + module2 + "
" )
+        else:
+            f.write( "merge " + clazz + " with " + subclazz + "
" )
diff --git a/compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.results 
index 9d4e9d583926..1801fcd073af 100644
--- a/compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.results
+++ b/compilerplugins/clang/mergeclasses.results
@@ -9,25 +9,28 @@ merge (anonymous namespace)::CffGlobal with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::Char1 with (anonymous namespace)::Char2
 merge (anonymous namespace)::Char2 with (anonymous namespace)::Char3
 merge (anonymous namespace)::DIBInfoHeader with (anonymous 
+maybe merge (anonymous namespace)::Data with cppu::PropertySetMixinImpl::Impl, 
in modules helpcompiler and cppuhelper
 merge (anonymous namespace)::DomVisitor with (anonymous namespace)::DomExport
+maybe merge (anonymous namespace)::EventContainerTest with (anonymous 
namespace)::testInsertOrder, in modules toolkit and workdir
+maybe merge (anonymous namespace)::GluePointTest with (anonymous 
namespace)::testTdf157543_5PointStar, in modules svx and workdir
 merge (anonymous namespace)::GtkInstanceCheckButton with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::N with (anonymous namespace)::P
 merge (anonymous namespace)::O with (anonymous namespace)::O2
 merge (anonymous namespace)::ParserData with (anonymous namespace)::Entity
-merge (anonymous namespace)::PopupMenuToolbarController with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::PublishableDescription with 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::RecursiveTest with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::ReflectionTransition with (anonymous 
-merge (anonymous namespace)::RunInitGuard with (anonymous namespace)::RunGuard
 merge (anonymous namespace)::ScVbaControlContainer with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::SimpleTransition with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::StrEntries with (anonymous 
+maybe merge (anonymous namespace)::SwTiledRenderingTest with (anonymous 
namespace)::testStatusBarPageNumber, in modules sw and workdir
+maybe merge (anonymous namespace)::TestHFBase with (anonymous 
namespace)::testHFLinkToPrev, in modules sw and workdir
+maybe merge (anonymous namespace)::ThemeTest with (anonymous 
namespace)::testPitchFamilyConversion, in modules svx and workdir
 merge (anonymous namespace)::VariableTextField with (anonymous 
 merge (anonymous namespace)::empty with (anonymous namespace)::second
 merge AbstractMailMergeWizard with AbstractMailMergeWizard_Impl
 merge AbstractSmParser with SmParser5
 merge AbstractSwInsertDBColAutoPilot with AbstractSwInsertDBColAutoPilot_Impl
-merge AbstractTabController_Impl with AbstractApplyTabController_Impl
 merge AddressWalker with AddressWalkerWriter
 merge AutoIdle with (anonymous namespace)::TestAutoIdleRR
 merge B3dTransformationSet with B3dViewport
@@ -35,16 +38,22 @@ merge B3dViewport with B3dCamera
 merge BaseJSWidget with JSWidget
 merge BitmapConvolutionMatrixFilter with BitmapSharpenFilter
 merge BrowseBox with svt::EditBrowseBox
-merge BrowserHeader with svt::EditBrowserHeader
+merge BuilderBase with VclBuilder
 merge CSS1Parser with SvxCSS1Parser
+maybe merge DOM::CCharacterData with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
unoxml and cppuhelper
+maybe merge DOM::CNode with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules unoxml and 
 merge DateField with CalendarField
 merge DbGridControl with FmGridControl
+maybe merge DdeGetPutItem with sfx2::(anonymous namespace)::ImplDdeItem, in 
modules svl and sfx2
 merge DdeItem with DdeGetPutItem
 merge DdeLink with DdeHotLink
+maybe merge DocumentSettingsSerializer with sd::(anonymous 
namespace)::DocumentSettings, in modules xmloff and sd
+merge DownloadInteractionHandler with UpdateCheck
 merge E3DObjGeoData with E3DSceneGeoData
 merge E3dUndoAction with E3dRotateUndoAction
 merge EditTextObject with EditTextObjectImpl
-merge ErrorInfo with DynamicErrorInfo
+maybe merge ErrorContext with SfxErrorContext, in modules vcl and svtools
+maybe merge EscherExClientAnchor_Base with XclExpDffAnchorBase, in modules 
filter and sc
 merge EscherPersistTable with EscherEx
 merge ExcBoolRecord with Exc1904
 merge ExcelConverterBase with ExcelToSc
@@ -53,9 +62,12 @@ merge FmGridListener with FmXGridPeer::GridListenerDelegator
 merge FmRecordCountListener_Base with FmRecordCountListener
 merge FmXDisposeListener with DisposeListenerGridBridge
 merge FmXFormShell_Base_Disambiguation with FmXFormShell
-merge GLWindow with GLX11Window
+merge GenerateNoteCaption with oox::xls::(anonymous 
+merge GenericSalLayout with (anonymous namespace)::QtCommonSalLayout
 merge GroupTable with PPTWriterBase
+maybe merge Help with SfxHelp, in modules vcl and sfx2
 merge HostDetailsContainer with DavDetailsContainer
+merge IActionListener with UpdateCheck
 merge IDocumentChartDataProviderAccess with 
 merge IDocumentContentOperations with sw::DocumentContentOperationsManager
 merge IDocumentDeviceAccess with sw::DocumentDeviceManager
@@ -67,7 +79,6 @@ merge IDocumentLinksAdministration with 
 merge IDocumentListItems with sw::DocumentListItemsManager
 merge IDocumentListsAccess with sw::DocumentListsManager
 merge IDocumentMarkAccess with sw::mark::MarkManager
-merge IDocumentMarkAccess::ILazyDeleter with sw::mark::(anonymous 
 merge IDocumentOutlineNodes with sw::DocumentOutlineNodesManager
 merge IDocumentRedlineAccess with sw::DocumentRedlineManager
 merge IDocumentSettingAccess with sw::DocumentSettingManager
@@ -77,23 +88,32 @@ merge IDocumentStylePoolAccess with 
 merge IDocumentTimerAccess with sw::DocumentTimerManager
 merge IDocumentUndoRedo with sw::UndoManager
 merge IFinishedThreadListener with ThreadListener
-merge IGrammarContact with (anonymous namespace)::SwGrammarContact
 merge IStyleAccess with (anonymous namespace)::SwStyleManager
 merge IStylePoolIteratorAccess with (anonymous namespace)::Iterator
 merge IXFAttrList with XFSaxAttrList
 merge IXFStream with XFSaxStream
 merge IXFStyle with XFStyle
 merge IconChoicePage with SvxHyperlinkTabPageBase
+maybe merge IntroWindow with (anonymous namespace)::SplashScreenWindow, in 
modules vcl and desktop
 merge ListView with TemplateDlgLocalView
 merge LongCurrencyFormatter with LongCurrencyBox
 merge LotusConverterBase with LotusToSc
 merge LwpDLVListHead with LwpPropList
 merge LwpMarker with LwpStoryMarker
+maybe merge MetafileAccessor with 
drawinglayer::primitive2d::MetafilePrimitive2D, in modules vcl and drawinglayer
+maybe merge NotebookbarTabControlBase with NotebookbarTabControl, in modules 
vcl and sfx2
+maybe merge ONSSInitializer with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
xmlsecurity and cppuhelper
 merge ObservableThread with SwAsyncRetrieveInputStreamThread
+merge OpenStormBento::CUtList with OpenStormBento::CUtOwningList
+maybe merge OutlinerViewShell with SfxViewShell, in modules editeng and sfx2
 merge PPTExBulletProvider with PPTWriter
-merge PriorityHBox with PriorityMergedHBox
 merge PropertyAccessorBase with GenericPropertyAccessor
+maybe merge PropertySetBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules forms 
and cppuhelper
 merge PropertyWrapperBase with PropertyWrapper
+merge QtInstanceContainer with QtInstanceWindow
+merge QtInstanceWidget with QtInstanceContainer
+merge QtInstanceWindow with QtInstanceDialog
+maybe merge RtfTest with testFilter, in modules sw and workdir
 merge SOParagraph with ParagraphObj
 merge SalData with GenericUnixSalData
 merge SalDisplay with SalX11Display
@@ -102,23 +122,31 @@ merge SalInfoPrinter with PspSalInfoPrinter
 merge SalInstance with SalGenericInstance
 merge SalInstanceBox with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceBuilder with JSInstanceBuilder
+merge SalInstanceCalendar with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceCheckButton with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceComboBoxWithEdit with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceComboBoxWithoutEdit with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceDrawingArea with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceExpander with JSWidget
+merge SalInstanceFormattedSpinButton with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceIconView with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceImage with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceLabel with JSWidget
+merge SalInstanceLevelBar with JSWidget
+merge SalInstanceLinkButton with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceNotebook with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceRadioButton with JSWidget
+merge SalInstanceScrolledWindow with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceSpinButton with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceTextView with JSWidget
+merge SalInstanceToggleButton with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceToolbar with JSWidget
 merge SalInstanceTreeView with JSWidget
+merge SalInstanceVerticalNotebook with JSWidget
 merge SalPrinter with PspSalPrinter
 merge SalSession with (anonymous namespace)::IceSalSession
 merge SalSystem with SalGenericSystem
+maybe merge ScAccessibleCsvControl with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules sc and cppuhelper
 merge ScAccessibleTableBase with ScAccessibleSpreadsheet
 merge ScAsyncTabController with ScAsyncTabController_Impl
 merge ScDBDataContainerBase with ScDBCollection::NamedDBs
@@ -137,12 +165,17 @@ merge ScRefHandlerCaller with ScTPValidationValue
 merge ScRefHandlerHelper with ScValidationDlg
 merge ScSimpleEditSourceHelper with ScEditEngineTextObj
 merge ScTabView with ScViewFunc
+maybe merge ScVbaCollectionBaseImpl with (anonymous 
namespace)::ScVbaRangeAreas, in modules vbahelper and sc
+maybe merge ScVbaCommandBarControl with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules vbahelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge ScVbaControlObjectBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules sc and cppuhelper
 merge ScVbaGraphicObjectsBase with ScVbaButtons
 merge ScVbaObjectContainer with (anonymous namespace)::ScVbaControlContainer
+maybe merge ScVbaSheetObjectBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
sc and cppuhelper
+maybe merge ScVbaSheetObjectsBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
sc and cppuhelper
 merge ScViewFunc with ScDBFunc
 merge SceneObject with (anonymous namespace)::Iris
+maybe merge SdImportTestSkia with testTdf156856, in modules sd and workdir
 merge SdNavigatorWin with sd::sidebar::NavigatorWrapper
-merge SdOptionsContents with SdOptions
 merge SdOptionsGrid with SdOptions
 merge SdOptionsZoom with SdOptions
 merge SdTransferable::UserData with 
@@ -158,16 +191,32 @@ merge SdrMarkView with SdrEditView
 merge SdrObjEditView with SdrExchangeView
 merge SdrPaintView with SdrSnapView
 merge SdrPolyEditView with SdrGlueEditView
+maybe merge SdrPowerPointImport with ImplSdPPTImport, in modules filter and sd
 merge SdrSnapView with SdrMarkView
+maybe merge SdrUIObject with (anonymous namespace)::ImpressSdrObject, in 
modules svx and sd
+maybe merge SdrUndoAttrObj with sd::UndoAttrObject, in modules svx and sd
+maybe merge SdrUndoDelObj with sd::UndoDeleteObject, in modules svx and sd
+maybe merge SdrUndoGeoObj with sd::UndoGeoObject, in modules svx and sd
 merge SdrUndoInsertObj with SdrUndoNewObj
 merge SdrUndoNewObj with SdrUndoCopyObj
 merge SdrUndoNewPage with SdrUndoCopyPage
-merge SdwTextBoxRecord with SdwTextArt
+maybe merge SdrUndoObjSetText with sd::UndoObjectSetText, in modules svx and sd
+maybe merge SdrUndoReplaceObj with sd::UndoReplaceObject, in modules svx and sd
+maybe merge SecurityEngine with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
xmlsecurity and cppuhelper
+maybe merge Sfx2ViewTest with testReloadPage, in modules sfx2 and workdir
 merge SfxExtItemPropertySetInfo_Base with SfxExtItemPropertySetInfo
+maybe merge SfxHTMLParser with SwHTMLParser, in modules sfx2 and sw
 merge SfxItemPropertySetInfo_Base with SfxItemPropertySetInfo
 merge SfxModelSubComponent with sfx2::DocumentUndoManager
+maybe merge SfxObjectShell::LockAllViewsGuard with 
SwDocShell::LockAllViewsGuard_Impl, in modules sfx2 and sw
+maybe merge SfxUndoListener with framework::UndoManagerHelper_Impl, in modules 
svl and framework
+maybe merge SfxUnoStyleSheet with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules svl 
and cppuhelper
+maybe merge SignatureEngine with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
xmlsecurity and cppuhelper
+maybe merge SimpleEnumerationBase with (anonymous 
namespace)::ScVbaObjectEnumeration, in modules vbahelper and sc
+merge SizeTemplateBase with SizeTemplate
 merge SkiaSalGraphicsImpl with X11SkiaSalGraphicsImpl
 merge SmFontPickList with SmFontPickListBox
+maybe merge SmartTagMgr with SwSmartTagMgr, in modules svx and sw
 merge StarSymbolToMSMultiFont with (anonymous 
 merge StgAvlIterator with StgIterator
 merge StgAvlNode with StgDirEntry
@@ -176,17 +225,21 @@ merge StylesPreviewWindow_Base with 
 merge SvHeaderTabListBox with LclHeaderTabListBox
 merge SvIdlDataBase with SvIdlWorkingBase
 merge SvListView with SvTreeListBox
+maybe merge SvLockBytes with utl::UcbLockBytes, in modules tools and unotools
 merge SvXMLExportItemMapper with (anonymous 
 merge SvXMLImportItemMapper with (anonymous 
+merge SvtCompatibility with SvtCompatibilityDefault
 merge SvxAreaTabPage with SvxBkgTabPage
 merge SvxCSS1Parser with SwCSS1Parser
+maybe merge SvxGridTabPage with SdTpOptionsSnap, in modules svx and sd
 merge SvxLanguageItem_Base with SvxLanguageItem
 merge SvxRTFItemStackType with MakeUniqueEnabler
 merge SvxRTFParser with EditRTFParser
+maybe merge SvxShapeMaster with SdXShape, in modules svx and sd
 merge SvxVertCTLTextTbxCtrl_Base with SvxVertCTLTextTbxCtrl
 merge SwAccessibleFrame with SwAccessibleContext
+merge SwContentIndexReg with SwContentNode
 merge SwCursorShell with SwEditShell
-merge SwDashedLine with SwBreakDashedLine
 merge SwDrawModeGrf_Base with SwDrawModeGrf
 merge SwEditShell with SwFEShell
 merge SwEndNoteOptionPage with SwFootNoteOptionPage
@@ -199,28 +252,42 @@ merge SwSelPaintRects with SwShellCursor
 merge SwSidebarItem with SwAnnotationItem
 merge SwTextAdjuster with SwTextCursor
 merge SwUndoTextFormatCollCreate with SwUndoCondTextFormatCollCreate
-merge SwUnoCursor with SwUnoTableCursor
+maybe merge SwXFrame with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules sw and 
 merge SwXParaFrameEnumeration with (anonymous 
 merge SwXParagraphEnumeration with (anonymous 
 merge SwXTextRanges with (anonymous namespace)::SwXTextRangesImpl
 merge Task with Timer
+maybe merge TaskStopwatch with (anonymous namespace)::IdleCalcTextWidthScope, 
in modules vcl and sc
 merge TestShape with (anonymous namespace)::ImplTestShape
 merge TestView with (anonymous namespace)::ImplTestView
+maybe merge TestXPath with test_getXPath, in modules test and workdir
+maybe merge TextFittingTest with testTest, in modules sd and workdir
 merge TextObj with TextObjBinary
 merge TextRenderImpl with FreeTypeTextRenderImpl
-merge TxtEncExportHiddenTest with testBulletsHidden
-merge TxtEncExportNotHiddenTest with testBulletsNotHidden
+maybe merge ThemeTest with testThemeChange, in modules sd and workdir
+maybe merge UnoWrapperBase with UnoWrapper, in modules vcl and toolkit
+merge UpdateCheckConfigListener with UpdateCheck
+maybe merge VCLXFormattedSpinField with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules toolkit and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VCLXPrinterPropertySet with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules toolkit and cppuhelper
 merge ValueGetter with (anonymous namespace)::CellValueGetter
 merge ValueSetter with (anonymous namespace)::CellValueSetter
-merge VclVButtonBox with (anonymous namespace)::LeakTestClass
+maybe merge VbaApplicationBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
vbahelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VbaDocumentBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
vbahelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VbaDocumentsBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
vbahelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VbaFontBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules vbahelper 
and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VbaGlobalsBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
vbahelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VbaPageSetupBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
vbahelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge VbaWindowBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
vbahelper and cppuhelper
 merge Viewport3D with Camera3D
 merge WW8PLCFx_Fc_FKP with WW8PLCFx_Cp_FKP
 merge WW8Style with WW8RStyle
-merge X11SalGraphicsImpl with X11CairoSalGraphicsImpl
 merge XFDate with XFDateStart
 merge XFDateTimePart with XFTimePart
 merge XMLNode with XMLChildNode
+maybe merge XMLTextShapeImportHelper with (anonymous 
namespace)::SvTextShapeImportHelper, in modules xmloff and sw
+maybe merge XMLTextTableContext with SwXMLTableContext, in modules xmloff and 
 merge XMLTransformer with XMLTransformerBase
+maybe merge XTableImportExportTest with testImportExport, in modules svx and 
 merge XclDebugObjCounter with XclRootData
 merge XclExpChFutureRecordBase with XclExpChFrLabelProps
 merge XclExpFutureRecord with XclExpChFutureRecordBase
@@ -229,12 +296,135 @@ merge XclExpSubStream with XclExpChart
 merge XclImpCachedValue with (anonymous namespace)::XclImpCrn
 merge XclImpCheckBoxObj with XclImpOptionButtonObj
 merge XclNumFmtBuffer with XclImpNumFmtBuffer
+maybe merge ZipPackageEntry with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
package and cppuhelper
+maybe merge _LibreOfficeKit with desktop::LibLibreOffice_Impl, in modules 
LibreOfficeKit and desktop
+maybe merge _LibreOfficeKitDocument with desktop::LibLODocument_Impl, in 
modules LibreOfficeKit and desktop
+maybe merge _uno_ExtEnvironment with (anonymous 
namespace)::uno_DefaultEnvironment, in modules uno and cppu
+maybe merge accessibility::AccessibleSelectionBase with 
accessibility::AccessibleDocumentViewBase, in modules editeng and sd
+maybe merge accessibility::AccessibleTabBarBase with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules accessibility and cppuhelper
 merge accessibility::GridControlAccessibleElement with 
 merge accessibility::IComboListBoxHelper with VCLListBoxHelper
 merge animcore::(anonymous namespace)::AnimationNodeBase with 
animcore::(anonymous namespace)::AnimationNode
+maybe merge apitest::BaseIndex with (anonymous namespace)::SwXDocumentIndex, 
in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::BaseIndexMark with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentIndexMark, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::CaptionShape with sc_apitest::ScAnnotationShapeObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::CellAreaLink with sc_apitest::ScAreaLinkObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::CellProperties with sc_apitest::ScCellRangeObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::DataPilotField with sc_apitest::ScDataPilotFieldObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::DataPilotItem with sc_apitest::ScDataPilotItemObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::DatabaseImportDescriptor with 
sc_apitest::ScImportDescriptorBaseObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::DatabaseRange with sc_apitest::ScDatabaseRangeObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::DocumentIndexMark with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentIndexMark, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::DocumentSettings with 
sc_apitest::ScDocumentConfigurationObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::Footnote with (anonymous namespace)::SwXFootnote, in 
modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::FunctionDescription with 
sc_apitest::ScFunctionDescriptionObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::GlobalSheetSettings with 
sc_apitest::ScSpreadsheetSettings, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::Scenario with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SearchDescriptor with sc_apitest::ScCellSearchObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::Shape with sc_apitest::ScShapeObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SheetCell with sc_apitest::ScCellObj, in modules test and 
+maybe merge apitest::SheetCellRanges with sc_apitest::ScCellRangesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SheetFilterDescriptor with 
sc_apitest::ScFilterDescriptorBase, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SheetLink with sc_apitest::ScSheetLinkObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SheetSortDescriptor2 with 
sc_apitest::ScSortDescriptorBaseObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::Spreadsheet with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SpreadsheetViewSettings with sc_apitest::ScTabViewObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::SubTotalDescriptor with 
sc_apitest::ScSubTotalDescriptorBase, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::TableAutoFormat with sc_apitest::ScAutoFormatObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::TableColumn with sc_apitest::ScTableColumnObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::TableRow with sc_apitest::ScTableRowObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::TableValidation with sc_apitest::ScTableValidationObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::TextDocumentIndex with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentIndex, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::TextDocumentSettings with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentSettings, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::TextPrinterSettings with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentSettings, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::TextSettings with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentSettings, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::XActionLockable with sc_apitest::ScNamedRangesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XActivationBroadcaster with sc_apitest::ScTabViewObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XAreaLink with sc_apitest::ScAreaLinkObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XAreaLinks with sc_apitest::ScAreaLinksObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XCalculatable with sc_apitest::ScModelObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XCell with sc_apitest::ScCellObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XCellAddressable with sc_apitest::ScCellObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XCellCursor with sc_apitest::ScCellCursorObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XCellRangeMovement with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XCellRangesQuery with sc_apitest::ScCellRangeObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XChartData with sc_apitest::ScCellRangeObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XChild with sc_apitest::ScAnnontationObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XConsolidatable with sc_apitest::ScModelObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XConsolidationDescriptor with 
sc_apitest::ScConsolidationDescriptorObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XControlAccess with sc_apitest::ScViewPaneObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDDELink with sc_apitest::ScDDELinkObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDDELinks with sc_apitest::ScDDELinksObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDataPilotField with sc_apitest::ScDataPilotFieldObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDataPilotFieldGrouping with 
sc_apitest::ScDataPilotFieldObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDataPilotTable2 with sc_apitest::ScDataPilotTableObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDataPilotTables with sc_apitest::ScDataPilotTablesObj, 
in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDataPilotTablesSupplier with 
sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDatabaseRange with sc_apitest::ScDatabaseRangeObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDatabaseRanges with sc_apitest::ScDatabaseRangesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDocumentAuditing with sc_apitest::ScModelObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XDocumentIndex with (anonymous 
namespace)::SwXDocumentIndex, in modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::XDrawPages with sc_apitest::ScDrawPagesObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XEmbeddedObjectSupplier with sc_apitest::ScChartObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XFootnote with (anonymous namespace)::SwXFootnote, in 
modules test and sw
+maybe merge apitest::XFormLayerAccess with sc_apitest::ScViewPaneObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XFunctionDescriptions with sc_apitest::ScFunctionListObj, 
in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XGoalSeek with sc_apitest::ScModelObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XHeaderFooterContent with 
sc_apitest::ScHeaderFooterContentObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XLabelRange with sc_apitest::ScLabelRangeObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XLabelRanges with sc_apitest::ScLabelRangesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XLinkTargetSupplier with sc_apitest::ScModelObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XMultiFormulaTokens with 
sc_apitest::ScTableValidationObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XNamedRange with sc_apitest::ScNamedRangeObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XNamedRanges with sc_apitest::ScNamedRangesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XPrintAreas with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XRecentFunctions with sc_apitest::ScRecentFunctionsObj, 
in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XReplaceDescriptor with sc_apitest::ScCellSearchObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XScenario with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XScenarioEnhanced with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XScenarios with sc_apitest::ScScenariosObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XScenariosSupplier with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSearchDescriptor with sc_apitest::ScCellSearchObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XShapeGrouper with sc_apitest::ScDrawPageObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XShapes with sc_apitest::ScDrawPageObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetAnnotation with sc_apitest::ScAnnontationObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetAnnotationAnchor with sc_apitest::ScCellObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetAnnotationShapeSupplier with 
sc_apitest::ScAnnontationObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetAnnotations with sc_apitest::ScAnnontationsObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetAnnotationsSupplier with 
sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetAuditing with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetCellCursor with sc_apitest::ScCellCursorObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetCellRangeContainer with 
sc_apitest::ScCellRangesObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetCellRanges with sc_apitest::ScCellRangesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetConditionalEntries with 
sc_apitest::ScTableConditionalFormat, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetConditionalEntry with 
sc_apitest::ScTableConditionalEntryObj, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetFilterDescriptor with 
sc_apitest::ScFilterDescriptorBase, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetFilterDescriptor2 with 
sc_apitest::ScFilterDescriptorBase, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetFilterDescriptor3 with 
sc_apitest::ScFilterDescriptorBase, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetLinkable with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetOutline with sc_apitest::ScOutlineObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSheetPageBreak with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSpreadsheet with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSpreadsheetView with sc_apitest::ScTabViewObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSpreadsheets with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetsObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSpreadsheets2 with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetsObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XStyleLoader with sc_apitest::ScStyleFamiliesObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSubTotalDescriptor with 
sc_apitest::ScSubTotalDescriptorBase, in modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XSubTotalField with sc_apitest::ScSubTotalFieldObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XTableChart with sc_apitest::ScChartObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XTableCharts with sc_apitest::ScChartsObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XTableChartsSupplier with sc_apitest::ScTableSheetObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XTableColumns with sc_apitest::ScTableColumnsObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XTableRows with sc_apitest::ScTableRowsObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XUsedAreaCursor with sc_apitest::ScCellCursorObj, in 
modules test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XViewFreezable with sc_apitest::ScTabViewObj, in modules 
test and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XViewPane with sc_apitest::ScViewPaneObj, in modules test 
and sc
+maybe merge apitest::XViewSplitable with sc_apitest::ScTabViewObj, in modules 
test and sc
 merge basctl::Entry with basctl::DocumentEntry
 merge basctl::docs::IDocumentDescriptorFilter with basctl::(anonymous 
 merge basegfx::InterpolatorProvider3D with basegfx::RasterConverter3D
+maybe merge basegfx::RasterConverter3D with ZBufferRasterConverter3D, in 
modules basegfx and drawinglayer
+maybe merge basegfx::SystemDependentDataManager with (anonymous 
namespace)::SystemDependentDataBuffer, in modules basegfx and vcl
 merge basegfx::trapezoidhelper::(anonymous namespace)::TrDeSimpleEdge with 
basegfx::trapezoidhelper::(anonymous namespace)::TrDeEdgeEntry
 merge bib::OComponentAdapterBase with bib::OLoadListenerAdapter
 merge bib::OComponentListener with bib::OLoadListener
@@ -246,28 +436,39 @@ merge cairocanvas::Sprite with 
 merge cairocanvas::SpriteCanvasBaseSpriteSurface_Base with canvas::CanvasBase
 merge canvas::ISurfaceProxy with canvas::SurfaceProxy
 merge canvas::ISurfaceProxyManager with canvas::(anonymous 
+maybe merge chart::AccessibleBase with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules 
chart2 and cppuhelper
 merge chart::CategoryPositionHelper with chart::BarPositionHelper
 merge chart::ExplicitValueProvider with chart::ChartView
 merge chart::LegendEntryProvider with chart::VSeriesPlotter
 merge chart::MarkHandleProvider with chart::SelectionHelper
+maybe merge chart::WrappedPropertySet with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules chart2 and cppuhelper
 merge chart::wrapper::ChartDocumentWrapper_Base with 
 merge comphelper::ChainablePropertySetInfo_Base with 
 merge comphelper::ConfigurationListenerPropertyBase with 
 merge comphelper::ConfigurationListener_Base with 
+maybe merge comphelper::IPropertyInfoService with frm::ConcreteInfoService, in 
modules comphelper and forms
+maybe merge comphelper::MasterPropertySet with SwXDocumentSettings, in modules 
comphelper and sw
 merge comphelper::MasterPropertySetInfo_Base with 
-merge comphelper::OAccessibleComponentHelper_Base with 
+maybe merge comphelper::OAccessibleSelectionHelper with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules comphelper and cppuhelper
+maybe merge comphelper::OAccessibleTextHelper with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules comphelper and cppuhelper
 merge comphelper::OAccessibleWrapper_Base with comphelper::OAccessibleWrapper
 merge comphelper::OAnyEnumeration_BASE with comphelper::OAnyEnumeration
+maybe merge comphelper::OCommonAccessibleComponent with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules comphelper and cppuhelper
 merge comphelper::OComponentProxyAggregation with 
 merge comphelper::OContainerListenerAdapter_Base with 
+maybe merge comphelper::OPropertyChangeListener2 with FmFieldWin, in modules 
comphelper and svx
 merge comphelper::OPropertyChangeMultiplexer_Base with 
+merge comphelper::OPropertyChangeMultiplexer_Base2 with 
 merge comphelper::OProxyAggregation with 
 merge comphelper::OSeekableInputWrapper_BASE with 
+maybe merge comphelper::OSelectionChangeListener with rptui::NavigatorTree, in 
modules comphelper and reportdesign
 merge comphelper::OSequenceOutputStream_Base with 
+maybe merge comphelper::OStatefulPropertySet with PropertySetBase, in modules 
comphelper and forms
 merge comphelper::OWeakListenerAdapterBase with 
 merge comphelper::PropertySetInfo_BASE with comphelper::PropertySetInfo
 merge comphelper::TraceEvent with comphelper::NamedEvent
 merge comphelper::WeakComponentImplHelperBase with 
+merge comphelper::WeakImplHelperBase with comphelper::WeakImplHelper
 merge connectivity::OKeySet_Base with connectivity::OKeySet
 merge connectivity::evoab::(anonymous namespace)::OEvoabVersion36Helper with 
connectivity::evoab::(anonymous namespace)::OEvoabVersion38Helper
 merge connectivity::evoab::OEvoabVersionHelper with 
connectivity::evoab::(anonymous namespace)::OEvoabVersion36Helper
@@ -275,6 +476,7 @@ merge connectivity::file::OStatement_Base with 
 merge connectivity::hsqldb::IMethodGuardAccess with 
 merge connectivity::java_lang_Exception with 
 merge connectivity::java_sql_Statement_Base with connectivity::OStatement_BASE2
+merge connectivity::mysqlc::User with connectivity::mysqlc::OUserExtend
 merge connectivity::odbc::ODBCDriver with connectivity::odbc::(anonymous 
 merge connectivity::odbc::OStatement_Base with 
 merge connectivity::sdbcx::IObjectCollection with (anonymous 
@@ -286,7 +488,11 @@ merge cppcanvas::PolyPolygon with 
 merge cppcanvas::Renderer with cppcanvas::internal::ImplRenderer
 merge cppcanvas::SpriteCanvas with cppcanvas::internal::ImplSpriteCanvas
 merge cppcanvas::internal::ImplSprite with 
+maybe merge cppu::IEventNotificationHook with comphelper::OPropertyBag, in 
modules cppuhelper and comphelper
+maybe merge cppu::OPropertySetHelper2 with comphelper::OPropertyStateHelper, 
in modules cppuhelper and comphelper
 merge cppu::PropertySetMixinImpl with cppu::PropertySetMixin
+merge cppuhelper::UnoImplBase with cppuhelper::WeakComponentImplHelperBase2
+merge cppuhelper::WeakComponentImplHelperBase2 with 
 merge dbaccess::IPropertyContainer with dbaccess::OColumn
 merge dbaccess::IRefreshListener with dbaccess::OConnection
 merge dbaccess::OColumnWrapper with dbaccess::OTableColumnDescriptorWrapper
@@ -296,7 +502,6 @@ merge dbahsql::CreateStmtParser with 
 merge dbaui::IController with dbaui::OGenericUnoController
 merge dbaui::IEntryFilter with dbaui::(anonymous 
 merge dbaui::IUpdateHelper with dbaui::OParameterUpdateHelper
-merge dbaui::OGenericUnoController with dbaui::OApplicationController
 merge dbaui::OSQLNameEntry with dbaui::OPropColumnEditCtrl
 merge dbaui::OTableRowView with dbaui::OTableEditorCtrl
 merge dbaui::OTableWindowData with dbaui::OQueryTableWindowData
@@ -309,9 +514,13 @@ merge 
drawinglayer::primitive2d::ViewTransformationDependentPrimitive2D with dra
 merge drawinglayer::processor3d::DefaultProcessor3D with 
 merge drawinglayer::texture::GeoTexSvxBitmapEx with 
 merge fileaccess::Notifier with fileaccess::BaseContent
+maybe merge filter::config::BaseContainer with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules filter and cppuhelper
+maybe merge formula::ExternalReferenceHelper with ScExternalRefManager, in 
modules formula and sc
 merge framework::OReadStatusBarDocumentHandler_Base with 
 merge framework::OReadToolBoxDocumentHandler_Base with 
 merge framework::SaxNamespaceFilter_Base with framework::SaxNamespaceFilter
+maybe merge framework::XCUBasedAcceleratorConfiguration with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules framework and cppuhelper
+maybe merge framework::XMLBasedAcceleratorConfiguration with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules framework and cppuhelper
 merge frm::IEngineStatusListener with frm::RichTextControlImpl
 merge frm::IEngineTextChangeListener with frm::ORichTextModel
 merge frm::IFeatureDispatcher with frm::OFormNavigationHelper
@@ -319,19 +528,20 @@ merge frm::IMultiAttributeDispatcher with 
 merge frm::ITextAttributeListener with frm::OAttributeDispatcher
 merge frm::ITextSelectionListener with frm::ORichTextPeer
 merge frm::OFormComponents with frm::ODatabaseForm
-merge ftp::CurlInput with (anonymous namespace)::InsertData
-merge ftp::ResultSetBase with ftp::ResultSetI
 merge gfx::DrawCommand with gfx::DrawBase
 merge gfx::GradientInfo with gfx::LinearGradientInfo
 merge gio::Seekable with gio::OutputStream
 merge http_dav_ucp::DAVAuthListener with http_dav_ucp::DAVAuthListener_Impl
 merge http_dav_ucp::DAVSession with http_dav_ucp::CurlSession
+merge io_stm::MemRingBuffer with io_stm::MemFIFO
 merge oglcanvas::IBufferContext with oglcanvas::(anonymous 
-merge old_SdrDownCompat with SdIOCompat
+maybe merge oox::FormulaImExportBase with SmModel, in modules oox and starmath
 merge oox::SequenceSeekableStream with oox::SequenceInputStream
 merge oox::core::FilterBase with oox::core::XmlFilterBase
+maybe merge oox::drawingml::DMLTextExport with DocxAttributeOutput, in modules 
oox and sw
 merge oox::drawingml::LayoutAtomVisitor with 
 merge oox::drawingml::TextRun with oox::drawingml::TextField
+maybe merge oox::drawingml::Theme with oox::xls::ThemeBuffer, in modules oox 
and sc
 merge oox::dump::ConstList with oox::dump::MultiList
 merge oox::dump::FlagsList with oox::dump::CombiList
 merge oox::dump::ItemFormat with oox::dump::CombiList::ExtItemFormat
@@ -341,9 +551,12 @@ merge oox::dump::RecordObjectBase with 
 merge oox::formulaimport::XmlStream with oox::formulaimport::XmlStreamBuilder
 merge oox::ole::AxListBoxModel with oox::ole::HtmlSelectModel
 merge oox::ole::AxTextBoxModel with oox::ole::HtmlTextBoxModel
+maybe merge oox::ole::StdHlinkInfo with oox::xls::HyperlinkModel, in modules 
oox and sc
 merge oox::ole::VbaFilterConfig with oox::ole::VbaProject
 merge oox::vml::CustomShape with oox::vml::ComplexShape
+maybe merge oox::vml::Drawing with oox::xls::VmlDrawing, in modules oox and sc
 merge oox::vml::ShapeType with oox::vml::ShapeBase
+maybe merge oox::vml::VMLTextExport with DocxAttributeOutput, in modules oox 
and sw
 merge oox::xls::FormulaParserImpl with oox::xls::(anonymous 
 merge oox::xls::FormulaProcessorBase with oox::xls::FormulaParser
 merge oox::xls::FunctionProvider with oox::xls::OpCodeProvider
@@ -357,33 +570,37 @@ merge pcr::IPropertyInfoService with 
 merge pcr::IPropertyLineListener with pcr::OPropertyBrowserController
 merge pcr::ISQLCommandAdapter with pcr::(anonymous 
 merge pcr::PropertyHandler with pcr::PropertyHandlerComponent
-merge psp::(anonymous namespace)::Ascii85Encoder with psp::(anonymous 
-merge psp::PrinterBmp with (anonymous namespace)::SalPrinterBmp
-merge registry::tools::Options with (anonymous namespace)::Options_Impl
-merge reportdesign::ITraverseReport with rptui::(anonymous 
+merge reportdesign::ITraverseReport with rptui::NavigatorTree
 merge rptui::AnyConverter with rptui::(anonymous namespace)::ParaAdjust
 merge rptui::IConditionalFormatAction with rptui::ConditionalFormattingDialog
+maybe merge sax::DocumentHandlerAdapter with cppu::WeakImplHelper, in modules 
sax and cppuhelper
+maybe merge sax::ExtendedDocumentHandlerAdapter with cppu::WeakImplHelper, in 
modules sax and cppuhelper
 merge sax_fastparser::FastSaxSerializer::ForMerge with 
 merge sax_fastparser::ForMergeBase with 
 merge sc::CompiledFormula with sc::opencl::(anonymous namespace)::DynamicKernel
 merge sc::FormulaGroupInterpreter with 
-merge sc::opencl::(anonymous namespace)::SumOfProduct with 
sc::opencl::(anonymous namespace)::OpSumProduct
 merge sc::opencl::Cumipmt with sc::opencl::OpCumipmt
+merge sc::opencl::DynamicKernelConstantArgument with 
 merge sc::opencl::Fvschedule with sc::opencl::OpFvschedule
-merge sc::opencl::IRR with sc::opencl::OpIRR
-merge sc::opencl::MIRR with sc::opencl::OpMIRR
+merge sc::opencl::OpAverage with sc::opencl::OpAverageA
 merge sc::opencl::OpBase with sc::opencl::SlidingFunctionBase
+merge sc::opencl::OpCount with sc::opencl::OpCountA
+merge sc::opencl::OpMax with sc::opencl::OpMaxA
+merge sc::opencl::OpMin with sc::opencl::OpMinA
+merge sc::opencl::OpPearson with sc::opencl::OpCorrel
+merge sc::opencl::OpRoundDown with sc::opencl::OpTrunc
+merge sc::opencl::OpStDev with sc::opencl::OpStDevA
+merge sc::opencl::OpStDevP with sc::opencl::OpStDevPA
+merge sc::opencl::OpVar with sc::opencl::OpVarA
+merge sc::opencl::OpVarP with sc::opencl::OpVarPA
 merge sc::opencl::PriceMat with sc::opencl::OpPriceMat
-merge sc::opencl::RATE with sc::opencl::OpIntrate
-merge sc::opencl::RRI with sc::opencl::OpRRI
+merge sc::opencl::SumOfProduct with sc::opencl::OpSumProduct
 merge sc::opencl::XNPV with sc::opencl::OpXNPV
-merge sc_apitest::(anonymous namespace)::TempFileBase with 
 merge sd::(anonymous namespace)::ModelTraverseHandler with sd::(anonymous 
 merge sd::BroadcastHelperOwner with sd::DrawController
 merge sd::ClientInfo with sd::ClientInfoInternal
 merge sd::IBluetoothSocket with sd::BufferedStreamSocket
 merge sd::ICustomAnimationListController with sd::CustomAnimationPane
-merge sd::TitledDockingWindow with sd::PaneDockingWindow
 merge sd::ZeroconfService with sd::AvahiNetworkService
 merge sd::sidebar::MasterPageContainerFiller::ContainerAdapter with 
 merge sd::sidebar::MasterPageContainerQueue::ContainerAdapter with 
@@ -394,8 +611,17 @@ merge sdext::presenter::PresenterClockTimer::Listener with 
 merge sdext::presenter::PresenterScrollBar with 
 merge sdext::presenter::PresenterSlidePreview with 
sdext::presenter::(anonymous namespace)::NextSlidePreview
 merge sdr::SelectionController with sdr::table::SvxTableController
+maybe merge sdr::annotation::Annotation with sd::Annotation, in modules svx 
and sd
 merge sdr::contact::ObjectContactOfPagePainter with 
+maybe merge sdr::table::FastPropertySet with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper2, in 
modules svx and cppuhelper
+maybe merge sfx2::DigitalSignatures with (anonymous 
namespace)::DocumentDigitalSignatures, in modules sfx2 and xmlsecurity
 merge sfx2::IXmlIdRegistry with sfx2::XmlIdRegistry
+maybe merge sfx2::MetadatableMixin with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules sfx2 and cppuhelper
+maybe merge sfx2::StyleManager with svx::CommonStyleManager, in modules sfx2 
and svx
+maybe merge sfx2::StylePreviewRenderer with svx::CommonStylePreviewRenderer, 
in modules sfx2 and svx
+maybe merge sfx::AccessibilityCheck with sw::AccessibilityCheck, in modules 
sfx2 and sw
+maybe merge sfx::AccessibilityIssue with sw::AccessibilityIssue, in modules 
sfx2 and sw
+maybe merge sfx::IDocumentModelAccessor with sc::DocumentModelAccessor, in 
modules sfx2 and sc
 merge slideshow::internal::(anonymous namespace)::EventContainer with 
 merge slideshow::internal::AnimationFunction with 
 merge slideshow::internal::AnimationNode with slideshow::internal::BaseNode
@@ -426,7 +652,9 @@ merge slideshow::internal::View with 
 merge slideshow::internal::ViewRepaintHandler with (anonymous 
 merge slideshow::internal::ViewUpdate with 
 merge slideshow::internal::ZigZagWipe with slideshow::internal::BarnZigZagWipe
+maybe merge stoc_corefl::IdlMemberImpl with cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in 
modules stoc and cppuhelper
 merge store::OStorePageBIOS with store::OStorePageManager
+maybe merge stringresource::StringResourceImpl with 
cppu::ImplInheritanceHelper, in modules scripting and cppuhelper
 merge svgio::svgreader::Visitor with svgio::svgreader::SvgDrawVisitor
 merge svl::StyleSheetCallback with (anonymous namespace)::AddStyleSheetCallback
 merge svl::StyleSheetDisposer with (anonymous 
@@ -444,11 +672,15 @@ merge svt::table::ITableRenderer with 
 merge svx::IContextRequestObserver with svx::FmTextControlShell
 merge svx::IControllerFeatureInvalidation with FmXFormShell
 merge svx::IFocusObserver with svx::FmTextControlShell
+maybe merge svx::ODataAccessObjectTransferable with dbaui::ODataClipboard, in 
modules svx and dbaccess
 merge svx::RegistrationItemSetHolder with svx::DatabaseRegistrationDialog
+maybe merge svx::diagram::DiagramData with oox::drawingml::DiagramData, in 
modules svx and oox
+maybe merge svx::diagram::IDiagramHelper with 
oox::drawingml::AdvancedDiagramHelper, in modules svx and oox
+maybe merge svx::sidebar::InspectorTextPanel with 
sw::sidebar::WriterInspectorTextPanel, in modules svx and sw
 merge svx::sidebar::SvxShapeCommandsMap with svx::sidebar::DefaultShapesPanel
 merge svxform::DispatchInterceptor with svxform::FormController
 merge sw::ClientIteratorBase with SwIterator
-merge sw::ICoreFrameStyle with (anonymous namespace)::SwXFrameStyle
+merge sw::ICoreFrameStyle with SwXFrameStyle
 merge sw::IShellCursorSupplier with SwCursorShell
 merge sw::Meta with sw::MetaField
 merge sw::WriterListener with SwClient
@@ -458,16 +690,25 @@ merge sw::mark::DdeBookmark with sw::mark::Bookmark
 merge sw::mark::IBookmark with sw::mark::Bookmark
 merge sw::mark::ICheckboxFieldmark with sw::mark::CheckboxFieldmark
 merge sw::mark::IDateFieldmark with sw::mark::DateFieldmark
+merge sw::mark::IDropdownFieldmark with sw::mark::DropDownFieldmark
 merge sw::util::WrtRedlineAuthor with WW8_WrtRedlineAuthor
-merge testHFBase with testHFLinkToPrev
+merge test::EventPosterHelper with test::AccessibleEventPosterHelper
+merge test::EventPosterHelperBase with test::EventPosterHelper
+maybe merge toolkit::IAccessibleFactory with (anonymous 
namespace)::AccessibleFactory, in modules toolkit and accessibility
 merge ucbhelper::ActiveDataSink_Base with ucbhelper::ActiveDataSink
 merge ucbhelper::CommandEnvironment_Base with ucbhelper::CommandEnvironment
 merge ucbhelper::InterceptedInteraction_Base with 
+maybe merge uno_Enterable with cppu::Enterable, in modules uno and cppu
+maybe merge utl::ITerminationListener with frm::(anonymous 
namespace)::StandardFormatsSupplier, in modules unotools and forms
+maybe merge utl::OConfigurationValueContainer with 
svxform::FmSearchConfigItem, in modules unotools and svx
 merge utl::OInputStreamWrapper_Base with utl::OInputStreamWrapper
 merge vcl::DeletionNotifier with SalFrame
 merge vcl::ExtOutDevData with vcl::PDFExtOutDevData
+maybe merge vcl::IAccessibleBrowseBox with 
accessibility::AccessibleBrowseBoxAccess, in modules vcl and accessibility
+maybe merge vcl::IAccessibleFactory with (anonymous 
namespace)::AccessibleFactory, in modules vcl and accessibility
+maybe merge vcl::IAccessibleTabListBox with 
accessibility::AccessibleTabListBox, in modules vcl and accessibility
+maybe merge vcl::PDFOutputStream with (anonymous 
namespace)::PDFExportStreamDoc, in modules vcl and filter
 merge vcl::SolarThreadExecutor with 
-merge vcl::SwapFile with ImpSwapFile
 merge vcl::font::GlyphFallbackFontSubstitution with (anonymous 
 merge vcl::font::PreMatchFontSubstitution with (anonymous 
 merge vcl::pdf::PDFium with vcl::pdf::(anonymous namespace)::PDFiumImpl
@@ -480,6 +721,8 @@ merge vcl::pdf::PDFiumPathSegment with vcl::pdf::(anonymous 
 merge vcl::pdf::PDFiumSearchHandle with vcl::pdf::(anonymous 
 merge vcl::pdf::PDFiumSignature with vcl::pdf::(anonymous 
 merge vcl::pdf::PDFiumTextPage with vcl::pdf::(anonymous 
+maybe merge vcl::table::IAccessibleTable with svt::table::TableControl, in 
modules vcl and toolkit
+maybe merge vcl::table::IAccessibleTableControl with 
accessibility::AccessibleGridControlAccess, in modules vcl and accessibility
 merge vclcanvas::CanvasCustomSpriteSpriteBase_Base with canvas::CanvasBase
 merge vclcanvas::Sprite with vclcanvas::CanvasCustomSpriteSpriteBase_Base
 merge vclcanvas::SpriteCanvasBaseSpriteSurface_Base with canvas::CanvasBase

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