Date: Sun, 17 Oct 2004 02:57:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] In Japan!

> Forgive a somewhat silly question but ... what is a capsule hotel?

  Think casket in the wall with the one end open so you can climb in and lock
yourself in for the night's sleep.
  See pictures here

> As for Tokyo, I spent 10 hours there last year (on stopover from Rome to 
> Sydney via JAL), spent most of that time in Akihabara (sp?) ... I only wish 
> I had more time and more yen to spend!

  Well, I'm spending paid vacation time right now, so thankfully, not bad as
long as I keep to a $100 a day budget and try not to break things.  But, I
guess I know so much about the culture and food already, I'm starting to get
bored here!  You can only amaze at Geisha, Ramen, and electronics for so long
before even the many temples and parks start to look the same.....  (odd,but I
never get that bored feeling passing by those HUGE BIC camera and electronic
stores =) always itchy to go in.

  Now until Nov are good times to go - tickets are about $550 on ana's website,
and you can spend about $70 per day for room, $7 per meal - cheaper if you go
the Youth Hostel route.  (Free if you sleep on the floor of a train station at
Ueno, or at Ueno park with the other homeless.)


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