Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:22:37 -0700
From: Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Linux on 110CT Install from HD - Update

Think this got 'lost in the shuffle' of the recent server burping....
However, in resending I've added some updates from today's 'wasted

Mandrake9.1 Floppy/Hard Drive/CD Install:

Re-read text on Philip's excellent Linux on Libretto webpage...realized
there was additional files to copy over to hard drive and other 'loadlin'
command text to type....

Good news is that after a few tries with the old kernel panic error message
( Kernel Panic: VFS: unable to mount rootfs on 01:00 ) I managed to get past
that finally and install process started. However, after a while display
went black and didn't seem like anything was after some time
past I shutdown and restarted....

Sometimes, got to point where it asks you to select where to start install
from, selected CD-ROM. CD drive would start up and make whirring noises, but
after a minute it would shut down and nothing would happen...

Meanwhile, here's resend from previous Slackware Install attempt:

Decided to try Slackware9.1 install again, from hard drive with floppy

Tried to do as was suggested in post shown below and found Slackware's hard
drive install instructions , but still have problems...

So would like to clarify a few things and see if anyone has any

I assume the instructions below were for installing using the hard drive for
the install. This is based upon reference shown to the list of files (3

If so, 2 of the 3 files were slightly different than the ones listed. My
files copied from the Slackware 9.1 CD-ROM are:


Also from Slackware instructions, it said to copy the intrd.img file from
the isolinux directory too. So did that as well after I tried installing
without it.

Put all the files into a directory 'slack'.

Then, I entered the following after booting up with floppy drive and into
DOS, change directory to c:\slack, then entered the at the DOS prompt.

First approach, when I tried to install per post below:

loadlin bzimage root=/dev/ram initrd=pcmcia.dsk rw

Second approach, per Slackware install instructions:

Loadlin bzimage rw root=/dev/ram initrd=initrd.img load_ramdisk=1

Linux starts loading and then with either approach, I get the following
error message:

FAT: bogus logical sector size 5345
UMSDOS: msdos_read_super failed, mount aborted
sh-2021: reiserfs_read_super: can not find reiserfs on ramdisk(1,0)
Kernel Panic: VFS: unable to mount rootfs on 01:00

UPDATE: Gokhan was kind enough to check his files and send me his
Slackware3.1 install files. This worked up to point where it asks you
partition hard drive. Had problems with version of fdisk. Something not
right about it....

Had hoped that I might be able to use his files to start install and then
switch over to new Slack install files either on hard drive or CD...

Soooo,... if anyone can provide any input or suggestions that would be
greatly appreciated!!

I have spent hours and hours trying to get Linux installed and going


Mark Srebnik
Still Frustrated (but very persistent!)
Silicone Valley Libretterati Linux Installer

on 9/8/04 3:50 AM, S.Gokhan Karaman at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 13:45:56 +0300
> From: "S.Gokhan Karaman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] How to Install Linux on 110CT w/FD/CD?
> Lib 110 slackware installation
> /* run under dos mode  */
> loadlin Zimage root=/dev/ram initrd=pcmcia.gz rw
> /* mount cd */
> cp pcmcia.gz /tmp
> cd /tmp
> gunzip pcmcia.gz
> mount -t ext2 -o loop=/dev/loop1 pcmcia /mnt
> /* files */
> slackware/kernels/loadlin.exe
> slackware/kernels/bare.i/zImage
> slackware/rootdsks/pcmcia.gz
> Hi Mark,
> I look at my notices and found how I installed it. The commands and files
> are given above.
> Before you begin, please look at the given commands from manuals.
> Best wishes
> Gokhan
> 31472

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