Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 15:29:58 +0200 (MEST)
Subject: Re: [LIB] Linux on 110CT Install from HD - Update

> Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 21:22:37 -0700
> From: Mark Srebnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Linux on 110CT Install from HD - Update
> message ( Kernel Panic: VFS: unable to mount rootfs on 01:00 ) I managed
> to get past that finally and install process started. However, after a
> while display went black and didn't seem like anything was
> after some time past I shutdown and restarted....
> Sometimes, got to point where it asks you to select where to start
> install from, selected CD-ROM. CD drive would start up and make whirring
> noises, but after a minute it would shut down and nothing would happen...

I have similar experiences. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.... and I have no clue 
at all why.
But I have several times suggested to press <Alt>-F1, <Alt>-F2, <Alt>-F3 or <Alt>-F4 
to see how far the install kernel got. You never reported on this....

> loadlin bzimage root=/dev/ram initrd=pcmcia.dsk rw

This is wrong. pcmcia.dsk is a floppy disk image, not a RAM disk image.
> Second approach, per Slackware install instructions:
> Loadlin bzimage rw root=/dev/ram initrd=initrd.img load_ramdisk=1

That looks better.

> Linux starts loading and then with either approach, I get the following
> error message:
> FAT: bogus logical sector size 5345

It sounds like the FAT (=Windows) partition you are installing from has some problems. 
Have you ever run scandisk? The scan-/chkdsk version from Win2K is much more rigorous 
BTW. Are there no bad sectors on your HD?
It may also be that the MBR has irreconcilable entries. The info on each partition is 
always double, once in CHS and once in absolute sectors.
Ofcourse Windows uses one of these, the rest of the world the other, and that is where 
problems may start.
These problems may well be the cause of failure of all your Linux install attempts.
But read on......

> UMSDOS: msdos_read_super failed, mount aborted
> sh-2021: reiserfs_read_super: can not find reiserfs on ramdisk(1,0)
> Kernel Panic: VFS: unable to mount rootfs on 01:00
> UPDATE: Gokhan was kind enough to check his files and send me his
> Slackware3.1 install files. This worked up to point where it asks you
> partition hard drive. Had problems with version of fdisk. Something not 
> right about it....

Try to dump fdisk and use cfdisk. Various Linux docs about fdisk point out that it has 
many flaws. I don't remember the details, but it mentioned somewhere that "luckily, 
fdisk will usually (but not always) come up with the right info" or words like that 
(in man fdisk IIRC).

But as you made so many "proper" attempts already, I am suspicious that something in 
your Libretto is flakey. Windows is not too critical especially about disk geometry, 
so that's wher I would look first.

BTW my apologies if I am wrong, aren't you the one who a while ago complained that 
when booting from floppy the HD couldn't be seen, and it turned out you had a disk 
manager on your HD? (...I am away from home currently so can't check the archives) If 
that were true, it would explain a bit..... Recent Linux kernels & install kernels 
should be able to recognize disk managers, but certainly not all of them, and may be 
upset or even break up if these disk managers mislead them.
That is just one of the many reasons I try to avoid disk managers like EZ or Ontrack 
or MaxBlast at all costs.....

> Soooo,... if anyone can provide any input or suggestions that would be
> greatly appreciated!!

All I can offer at the moment is right above.
> I have spent hours and hours trying to get Linux installed and going
> crazy...

Probably of little comfort, but I do know the feeling......

Good luck,


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