We'll get you some examples and some more detail, but the main idea is to 
support matching (for both humans and programs). The idea is to do as much as 
we can with the general guidelines, but to mark up where need be (as in my BSD 
copyright text example).

From: Luis Villa <l...@lu.is<mailto:l...@lu.is>>
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2014 6:21 PM
To: License Discuss 
Subject: Re: [License-discuss] [Infrastructure] Machine readable source of OSI 
approved licenses?

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 8:02 AM, J Lovejoy 
<opensou...@jilayne.com<mailto:opensou...@jilayne.com>> wrote:

We are in the process of updating the text files with markup to implement the 
license matching guidelines located here: 
http://spdx.org/spdx-license-list/matching-guidelines - the goal being to 
provide a way to ensure that when one SPDX user identifies a license, it is 
reliably the same as when another SPDX user identifies the same license.  Of 
course, the main example of this is the BSD 3 and 4 clause licenses and Apache 
1.1, which may include the names of the specific copyright holder even though 
the rest of the license is exactly the same (goal being to avoid concluding 
every BSD-3-Clause with a different copyright holder name gets identified as a 
different license.)

Hi, Jilayne, Phil-
What is the intended markup here? The matching guidelines seem useful, but it 
isn't clear to me what a license marked up that way would look like. Is there 
an example somewhere?

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