Hi Albert, Gervase,

Thanks for your continuing thoughts on the Illumina license issue.  I don't
have much to add to the discussion at this point, but I did want to let you
know I was reading the posts, and will try to make use of the feedback to
help us get illumina code out into the OSI community.


On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 3:26 AM, Albert Vilella <avile...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have been trying to wrap my head around the following license, and
> discussed the contents of it with colleagues. There seems to be two
> markedly opposed opinions around the license. This is, people that
> think it's OSI-compliant, and people that think it's nothing close to
> being OSI-compliant:
> http://github.com/sequencing/isaac_aligner/blob/master/General_Illumina_Open_Source_License_Template_1_Final.pdf?raw=true
> Although I don't have anything against the license itself, I am
> personally curious to see how it does when reviewed in this mailing
> list. Specifically, I would like to see if there are any impediments
> for software under this license to be packaged for Debian.
> Thanks in advance,
> Albert.
> Disclaimer: these thoughts and opinions are my own, and not that of my
> employer.
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