Lawrence Rosen scripsit:

> We attorneys here will try to convince your attorneys of that if
> they consent to speak to us. You engineers should not volunteer to
> be translators in that discussion, but listen in. And we attorneys
> should speak candidly about copyright and contract law. Several of
> us are specialists, and several here have already volunteered to have
> that legal chat with your counsel.

If lawyers talked to other lawyers, they might end up changing their
minds, and that would never do.

"[M]uch enquiry having been made concerning a gentleman, who had quitted
a company where Johnson was, and no information being obtained; at
last Johnson observed, that 'he did not care to speak ill of any man
behind his back, but he believed the gentleman was an _attorney_'."
    --Boswell's Life of Johnson


John Cowan
Being understandable rather than obscurantist poses certain
risks, in that one's opinions are clear and therefore falsifiable
in the light of new data, but it has the advantage of encouraging
feedback from others.  --James A. Matisoff
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