On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Marius <marius.dan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you please send me a minimalistic example ? .. The comet actor
> shutdown looks correct to me as after the lazy content is rendered
> that comet is not needed anymore.

Not easily. When I get some time I'll see if I can reproduce it in a sample.

> Can you check with firebug if you get any asynchronous javascript back
> from the comet request?

It looks a bit strange. The normal request (with not lazy load) is
about 3s. With the lazy load the comet request is almost 60s before
anything (not the correct content) is returned (timed out?)

Hold on! I did some more digging :-) Since this was just a naive
application of lazy-load around an existing snippet, it contained bind
with a few ajaxSelects inside. It seems this is what caused the
problems. If I remove the ajaxSelects it seems to work.

Not sure if this is a supported scenario or not, but if not we should
probably emit some notification when running in dev mode.....or at
least document what can be put inside lazy-load


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