
I have a page with a somewhat lengthy first-time load. So I found
lazy-load that looked handy, but it doesn't seem to work. This is my

<lift:surround with="wide" at="content">
  <h2>Udvikling per måned</h2>
    <div class="span-5">
      Opdel efter:<br/>
    <div class="column span-19 last">
      <div id="table"><performance:dataTable/></div>

Nothing in the performanceChart snippet is rendered when wrapped with
lazy-load (but I see from the logs that the snippet as being called)

If I wait  a while, I can see the comet actor shutdown:

15:29:55.096 [ool-2-thread-13] INFO  lift
   - The CometActor
net.liftweb.builtin.snippet.asyncrenderco...@131e8e72 Received

What am I missing?


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