
On Mon, 2 Jan 2006, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

> Can you tell me where on your harddisk you have c059013l.pfb ?

On my box:


> Also, does anyone know a way to figure out that information?

I thought that is what fontconfig is for? However, I find the 
documentation more than hard to read. So, I have no idea how you would go 
about finding the path to a certain font. Also, fc-cache keeps crashing on 
me, so I cannot even reverse-engineer what it should to, and how. More and 
more I look at fontconfig, more I deem it a BPOC.

Also note that I needed the attached patch to "make web". Most notably, 
the TTFs generated by fontforge are not recognized by ghostscript: they 
begin with "true" instead of "\000". The patch contains a workaround for 


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