Graham Percival wrote Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:20 PM

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 09:34:35AM +0100, Trevor Daniels wrote:

Graham Percival wrote Saturday, September 12, 2009 12:00 AM
It was not deliberate to change the docs lnie-width.

I that case I'd like to change it back.

No argument here.  :)

It appears to be a side effect of some other change to lilypond-book,
which I suspect now picks up 'smallbook' rather than 'A4' for ly

I'll try to track it down when I have a bit
more time to do a binary search, unless someone
else has a idea what might have caused this.

It -is- due to lilypond-book using its default
value, which is 'smallbook', but this is not due
to a change in lilypond-book itself, as very old
versions of lilypond-book (c 2008) behave the same
way, whereas all the docs on (June 2009)
are fine.

It might have been me moving @afourpaper into a shared macro for

Is lilypond-book affected by the macro expansions?

In the meantime I'll add line-width to the @lilypond command for the
broken fragment in LM 5.4.3 with a comment.

No; please don't.  It doesn't matter if it looks bad in a -devel
release, and this will force us to fix the underlying issue.

OK, I'll wait until this is resolved.


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