David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> writes:

> Well, "somebody" will likely be me, of course.  Sleep is overrated.
> make check is not all that slow, and I can leave the full doc build to
> Patchy (assuming he is still on regular duty: there is actually no
> reason why he shouldn't be).  That leaves the translations.  Now we
> can reset them if needed, but I prefer not to do that since rewinding
> published history is a nuisance, and I don't really want to force the
> translators to mess more with their repositories than necessary.  I
> suppose I'll push that thing shortly and hope for the best.

I pushed both the translation branch as well as staging.  The fixed
translation branch is merged into staging, but I have not merged staging
(hopefully master soon: I think midnight GMT is in 20 minutes, and that
should trigger James' patchy) back into translation.

Translators should first check that lilypond/translation is in a
consistent state (I am doubtful about the committishes).  Once it is
considered fine, one can merge the (hopefully) new master back, and the
two should be reasonably synced again.

David Kastrup

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