Janek Warchoł <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> writes:

> Huh?  I get $5000 (of which i'll spend quite a lot on Lily
> development, either directly or indirectly), and John Marchesi, GNU
> admin, gets $500 and gives it to whomever he decides - in our case
> most probably FSF.

Depends on whether he gets a different request on behalf of the
project's mentor if I understand correctly.

Anyway, the principal point of the $5000 was not to "spend it on Lily
development".  The point was to make it possible for you to focus on
spending your _time_ on LilyPond.  For the course of the project, and
for giving you a jumpstart to stay on the project.

The project will profit by

a) the work you do,
b) the difference in Janek skills at the end of the project,
c) you not being burnt out financially and emotionally by having to
   juggle other responsibilities in addition to LilyPond just for
   survival and CV reasons.

So don't think of spending the $5000 on LilyPond: spend your time.
That's what this is supposed to enable.

David Kastrup

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