Thanks for your help and assistance!

> For better orientation, please reformat this to have a fixed number
> of entries per line (I suggest 4 items),

I did 3 items maximum and kept things within the line length.

Basically, this is fine.  However, three is incommensurable to 16, ...

Werner, I don't understand what you mean by "...together with
comments that indicate the current index (something like `% 0x50')."


  % 0x00
  /foo /bar /baz
  /bla /buf /urgh
  /pfft /zap /boinck
  % 0x09

> Please reformat this (and similar) code to stay within the
> 80-characters-per-line limit if possible.

Hope this is better (I don't code so am not sure if there are
specific 'rules' about how scm is formatted here.

It looks better, thanks.  In case of doubt, the formatting produced by
Emacs is the one we follow.

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