Can you send me the file to examine?

You have had problems like this before I have helped you with. I will wager
it is the same thing.

Happy to help.


On 30 October 2016 at 19:49, MING TSANG  wrote:

> hi, lilyponders:
> (1).  What is the meaning of the following error message?
> I have SATB + piano score of 100 bars. Each SATB+pianoRH coded with 100
> bars. I started to code piano-LH and it was all compilable upto bar  45 (no
> error). But after coded bar 46, I got the error.
> (2)  Window 10 generate the Chinese character onto the file naming, why
> the error message cannot display the UTF-8 Chinese character?
> Thank for the help.
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