HI Folks,

I am not sure for whom you mean error prone - the user, or the compiler.

It seems like after many many repetitions of the variable constructs
representing each bar lilypond just loses the plot and runs out of
resources. It's probably a really obscure bug. It's a use case hardly worth
testing, it being so unusual. This style of coding in indeed obfuscated,
unnecessary, and time consuming to study and fix. Heavy going at the very

I could not see what the fixes were from your email David, unless I am
missing an attachment. What did you do to make this work?


-----Original Message-----
From: David Wright 
Subject: Re: Exited with return code -1073741819.

Well, the reasons were given in
but I can't see that a construction like

sop.12 = \sop.1
sop.13 = \sop.1
sop.14 = \sop.1
sop.15 = \sop.1
sop.16 = \sop.5
sop.17 = \sop.1
sop.18 = \sop.1
sop.19 = \sop.1
sop.20 = \sop.1
sop.21 = \sop.5

is any less error-prone than

R1 * 5 \break
R1 * 5 \break

nor can I imagine that it involves any less copy&paste, unless all the sop
sop sop stuff was actually typed in. At least the source is not obfuscated,
which it was last time.

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