Am 10.02.2017 um 00:22 schrieb Hans Åberg:
>> So is there any reason people don't use convert-ly when upgrading to a
>> newer version?
> For libraries, you would want to keep track of the changes, but running 
> convert-ly and do a diff is a good suggestion. Though doing it by hand was 
> quicker, as I remembered the issue and which files needed to be fixed.
> In general, though, perhaps people maybe do not think or know about it, so 
> the process might be automated.

When maintaining libraries one should want to make them compatible with
multiple LilyPond versions, IMO at least with the current stable and
devel version, but depending on the use case and target audience one
might even support the previous stable release.
In order to be able to do that in openLilyLib I created the version
comparison operators/predicates
which make it easy to write switches based on the currently run LilyPond

I intend to create a patch to include this functionality into LilyPond,
but so far I'm not really sure *where* these functions should be defined
and where they could adequately be documented.



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