Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> On 10.02.2017 00:19, Hans Åberg wrote:
>> If LilyPond knows how to run the code via convert-ly, why does it not do it?
> LilyPond itself doesn’t change the code it is reading. convert-ly is a
> separate Python script.
> It might be a valid feature request, though, to have a command-line
> option which makes LilyPond call convert-ly, if the \version statement
> points to an older version, and then read the resulting code.
> That would leave some things to be designed though, e.g. what would
> happen if convert-ly issues ‘Not smart enough to update…’ – which
> happens?

The problem is more that point-and-click and error messages no longer
correspond to the actual source code.

David Kastrup

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