On Sat, 2017-04-15 at 07:14 -0700, Son_V wrote:
> I understand (maybe), but to have every beat numbered could help when
> in a
> choir the Maestro calls to sing from a given beat.
> That's the reason why I want them to be visible.
> Sorry to be such an humble learner.

This reminds me of an old joke:

In rehearsal, the conductor stops the orchestra and says "Let's try it
again from bar 5."  At the back of the viola section (I told you it was
a joke) a tentative hand goes up and a voice calls out "Please,
Maestro, these parts haven't got bar numbers."

Seriously, would anyone need to have every beat numbered?  Surely
anybody can find the nth beat in a bar (unless you are using some truly
unorthodox time signature like 29/4).


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