Le dimanche 26 mars 2023 à 14:24 +0200, David Kastrup a écrit :
> Patterns like
> ("flageolet" .
> (acons "flageolet"
> (assoc "flageolet"

Why handle alists with articulation-type keys but not

(list "flageolet" ...)
(cons "flageolet" ...)
(hash-ref xxx "flageolet")

etc. The possibilities are just endless. I think it has a low 
time-saved-for-the-user/time-spent-writing-and-testing-the-rule ratio to hunt 
for them, especially if you want to restrict the heuristics to contexts where 
“articulation-type” is referenced (how to determine them?).

> How bad is the chance for false positives?  Considering all articulation 
> types,  
> probably non-trivial.

Yes. Especially if you also consider that many of the articulation types can 
equally be used with code like `(string-append "scripts." type)` to construct 
Emmentaler glyph names.

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