On 10.11.2009, at 20:36, Erik Appeldoorn wrote:

I’ve been around for a short while only. A month with lilypond and 3 weeks on the list. Made a couple of scores, quite complex ones. But for each and every one I had to fiddle for hours and hours trying to grab all the details. All the while I had Sibelius at the ready and whenever I did fallback finished the score in record time. This is not going to continue I thought. I’d rather have a score that looks 85% than no score at all. So for now it’s quits with Lilypond. Perhaps I’ll be back, I just don’t know. All that helped, many thanks. I have now disabled the posts from the list, any reply have to be personal.

Hou je goed / Keep well,

Is this the equivalent of quitting your job and telling all of the people there "you're all a bunch of idiots!" except that no one here really cares whether or not you use lilypond?

For what it's worth, I lasted about the first time I downloaded lilypond back in 2005, and then maybe four months the next time. And it really wasn't until the documentation was re-written, and I had the time to devote three months to learning lilypond that I finally got it. Until that time (and while I was writing the music for my senior recital) I unhappily used finale.

James E. Bailey

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