Hi David,

It is too cheap to put this down to "faster".  The problem is not that
you need longer to do some things with Lilypond initially. The problem
is that there is a large number of things for which there is no proper
way to do them at all, and you have to take out the crowbar.

As is also true with Finale/Sibelius/etc. — for example, try doing <http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=506> and its opposite (i.e., barline-synced version) in a single score in Fin/Sib. ;)

The documentation for extending Lilypond is not working out well

Any chance you can/will improve it?

lilypond-extending does not contain examples for the various layers.
There are no examples for how to work in Midi functionality.

Since I don't [yet] make any use of MIDI, this doesn't really matter to me — if it matters to you or others, by all means make it better!

Things like "ritardando" can't be found in the notation index


Not only does it appear ridiculous to have to use a TextSpanner override before even starting the relevant note just to specify the text (rather
than have \startTextSpan take an argument), naturally nothing will
appear in the Midi output.

1. Define a music function to do this.
2. Submit a patch.

it is important that Lilypond gets to do more things all by itself

I couldn't agree more! [See Steps 1&2, above.]

The mailing list is somewhat helpful, but many of the answers are in the
line of "you can trick Lilypond into showing this/you can hack the
output to be like this" rather than "Lilypond's language for this
musical construct would be".

Can you give an actual example from the archives?
i.e., link to a message where the answer wasn't what you needed/ wanted, and rewrite the answer so that it is


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