Hi Pierre,

> What kind of funding would be possible

I offer C$100 to the MusicXML project.

If [Jan: hint hint!] my C$100 goes to creating a function (e.g., 
\displayLilystreamXML) which simply converts the raw Lilypond music stream 
(i.e., what we see with \displayMusic) as an XML blob, I'm happy to do "for 
free" all the XSLT coding required to turn that "LilystreamXML" into useable 

However, if the entire project will be in C++ and/or Scheme, I can offer little 
(to nothing) beyond the C$100.

> how many would we be on the project?

If you scan the archives for XML, you'll find that a bunch of people have 
offered help on this.
You'll probably want to do a fresh call for team members, though, as the thread 
has been dormant of late.

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