Hi Urs,

 Hi David,
> as promised I tried out your updated function(s).
> Well, you can't call this a complete test suite, but it seems to work
> perfectly. Many thanks.
> Attached is a version showing that it also/still works with phrasingSlurs.
> I find the warnings very useful. I assume it isn't possible to find out
> and display the 'real' place in the source where the problem comes from? As
> it is, I only know that there is a changed curve that doesn't work anymore,
> but don't know where it is (which can of course be difficult to pin down in
> larger pieces.
> If it isn't possible to identify the calling line in the source code,
> would it be possible to mark the respective curve red? This way one could
> easily spot the problematic grob.

You can do either, or both.  The attached file will display a warning which
includes the input location and (if you uncomment the relevant lines in
shape-curve) print the curves in red.

> That a wrong number of pairs gives strange results is OK. That way one is
> gently pointed towards malformed input ;-)


> So it works like a charm now :-)
> If you could still add the colour or line number feature - or tell me that
> you won't or can't do it - I could make a useable and distributably version
> of the file - maybe as a package together with displayControlPoints (see
> other mail in the other thread).

Sure, please do!  In the meantime, I'll keep tinkering with this and I'll
send along any improvements.

Thank you very much for your comments!


Attachment: shaping-curves02.ly
Description: Binary data

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