Mike Blackstock <blackstock.m...@gmail.com> writes:

> I seem to be relishing in your bluntness - cute - so let me return the
> favor. The women is a top Toronto model with her own agency; I'll take
> her tastes over yours, thanks. What your taste in women is - and who
> knows what*that* is, I shudder to contemplate it  - doesn't concern
> me; ditto with Debian. Stick to judgments about music engraving.

At some point of time you need to make up your mind about whether you
are aiming for a depiction of beauty, or a pretty woman.  The problem is
not that you are lacking a model, but an artist.

And your rambling about "my taste in women" makes quite obvious that
your referencing Aquin is not really much more than name-dropping with
regard to executing an artistic vision:

    In his Summa Theologiae St. Thomas gives three distinguishing
    characteristics of beauty: wholeness or integrity, proportion or
    harmony, and claritas which can be translated splendor, radiance,
    light, brilliance. The chief characteristic is claritas, 'radiance'
    ... beautiful things shine. The beautiful illuminates our
    intellectus with the intuition of understanding. The eyes and ears
    of our soul enable our vision to see the transcendent beauty present
    ontologically in all being.".

Most pictures of a sunset will do a better job of projecting a concept
of _beauty_, even sunsets not in Toronto with their own agency.

"Pretty" is almost a counterthesis to Aquinous "beauty", and that makes
it quite a challenge to put _this_ artistic vision into being by using a
human female: while there certainly is some unique potential because of
the fundamental appeal to a human recipient, this also offers _far_ too
many possibilities for distracting from the artistic missive to make
this easy.

LilyPond's boilerplate slogan is "beautiful typesetting", not "pretty
music".  Did you even bother telling to your model and agency your aim
and artistic vision of showing the overarching of Aquinous beauty, the
resonating of God's presence in the fabric of the world and its human
perception and understanding across musical typesetting and the
appearance of a woman?  If you didn't, _her_ tastes do not even come
into play with regard to the suitability of the result.

David Kastrup

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