Le 27/03/2013 00:04, Graham Percival a écrit :
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 08:12:42PM +0100, Phil Hézaine wrote:
for NoteEvent:

#(define (format-note engraver event)
    (let* ((origin (ly:input-file-line-char-column
                    (ly:event-property event 'origin))))
      (print-line engraver
                  ;; get a MIDI pitch value.
                  ;(+ 60 (ly:pitch-semitones
                         (ly:event-property event 'drum-type) ;))

It would be nice if this was abstracted into a separate function:
which would pick which type of output to produce.  Then I think we
could accept a patch to this effect without much fuss.

                  ;; point and click info
                  ;(ly:format "point-and-click ~a ~a"
                  ;           (caddr origin)
                  ;           (cadr origin))

I'm quite curious about this -- do drum events not have
point-and-click info?

- Graham

Because it's MY OWN & PERSONAL & SELFISH LISTENER! :-) :-) :-)
Seriously, I join a modified event-listener.
I have pointed out the additions.
However no success about MIDI pitch values.
It will be awesome to have that.

@ Luis
i must be missing something, though, because i get output only if use
\drummode inside a regular Staff or a RhythmicStaff, but no output when
using a DrumStaff. any ideas why? the output of \displayMusic is the same
in all cases.

In MY OWN & PERSONAL...etc... I have added a context for a DrumVoice which was absent.
That's the tip.
I join zzzz-display.ly. I hope it helps you to play with the event-listener.

i'm also getting a series of warnings (4) of the form:

Unsupported SCM value for format: ()

perhaps i misunderstood how to insert your code in the event-listener.ly


%%%% This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter.
%%%% Copyright (C) 2011--2012 Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca>
%%%% LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
%%%% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
%%%% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
%%%% (at your option) any later version.
%%%% LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%%%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%%%% GNU General Public License for more details.
%%%% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
%%%% along with LilyPond.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
% This file is used for Vivi, the Virtual Violinist:
%   http://percival-music.ca/vivi.html
% but it may be helpful to other researchers, either with the same
% output, or as a basis for other work in extracting music events
% from lilypond.
% Output format is tab-separated lines, like this:
%0.00000000	note	57	0.25000000	point-and-click 2 38
%0.00000000	dynamic	f
%0.25000000	note	62	0.25000000	point-and-click 7 38
%0.50000000	note	66	0.12500000	point-and-click 9 38
%0.50000000	script	staccato

\version "2.16.0"

%%%% Helper functions

#(define (filename-from-staffname context)
   "Constructs a filename in the form
@file{@var{original_filename}-@var{staff_instrument_name}.notes} if the
staff has an instrument name.  If the staff has no instrument
name, it uses "unnamed-staff" for that part of the filename."
   (let* ((inst-name (ly:context-property context 'instrumentName)))
     (string-concatenate (list
                          (substring (object->string (command-line))
                           ;; filename without .ly part
                           (+ (string-rindex (object->string (command-line)) #\sp) 2)
                           (- (string-length (object->string (command-line))) 5))
                          (if (string? inst-name)

#(define (format-moment moment)
    (/ (ly:moment-main-numerator moment)
       (ly:moment-main-denominator moment))))

#(define (moment-grace->string moment)
   "Prints a moment without grace note(s) as a float such as
0.25000.  Grace notes are written with the grace duration as a
separate \"dashed\" number, i.e. 0.25000-0.12500.  This allows any
program using the output of this function to interpret grace notes
however they want (half duration, quarter duration?  before beat,
after beat?  etc.)."
       (eq? 0 (ly:moment-grace-numerator moment))
       (ly:format "~a" (format-moment moment))
       ;; grace notes have a negative numerator, so no "-" necessary
         (format-moment moment)
                        (ly:moment-grace-numerator moment)
                        (ly:moment-grace-denominator moment))))))

#(define (make-output-string-line context values)
   "Constructs a tab-separated string beginning with the
score time (derived from the context) and then adding all the
values.  The string ends with a newline."
   (let* ((moment (ly:context-current-moment context)))
         (list (moment-grace->string moment))
             (lambda (x) (ly:format "~a" x))

#(define (print-line context . values)
   "Prints the list of values (plus the score time) to a file, and
optionally outputs to the console as well.  context may be specified
as an engraver for convenience."
   (if (ly:translator? context)
       (set! context (ly:translator-context context)))
   (let* ((p (open-file (filename-from-staffname context) "a")))
     ;; for regtest comparison
      (make-output-string-line context values)))
     (make-output-string-line context values)
    (close p)))

%%% main functions

#(define (format-rest engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
                (ly:event-property event 'duration))
               (format-moment (ly:duration-length
                               (ly:event-property event 'duration)))))

#(define (format-note engraver event)
   (let* ((origin (ly:input-file-line-char-column
                   (ly:event-property event 'origin))))
     (print-line engraver
                 ;; get a MIDI pitch value.
                 (+ 60 (ly:pitch-semitones
                        (ly:event-property event 'pitch)))
                  (ly:event-property event 'duration))
                 (format-moment (ly:duration-length
                                 (ly:event-property event 'duration)))
                 ;; point and click info
                 (ly:format "point-and-click ~a ~a"
                            (caddr origin)
                            (cadr origin)))))

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#(define (format-drumnote engraver event)
   (let* ((origin (ly:input-file-line-char-column
                   (ly:event-property event 'origin))))
     (print-line engraver
                 ;; get a MIDI pitch value.
		 ;; but with a DrumVoice I get:
		 ;; In procedure ly:pitch-semitones in expression 
		 ;; (ly:pitch-semitones (ly:event-property event-chord #)):
		 ;; Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting Pitch): loconga

                 ;(+ 60 (ly:pitch-semitones
		        (ly:event-property event 'drum-type) ;))
                  (ly:event-property event 'duration))
                 (format-moment (ly:duration-length
                                 (ly:event-property event 'duration)))
                 ;; point and click info
                 (ly:format "point-and-click ~a ~a"
                            (caddr origin)
                            (cadr origin))

#(define (format-chordnote engraver event-chord)
   (let* ((origin (ly:input-file-line-char-column
                   (ly:event-property event-chord 'origin))))
     (print-line engraver
                 ;; get a MIDI pitch value.
		 (+ 60 (ly:pitch-semitones
                        (ly:event-property event-chord 'pitch)))
                  (ly:event-property event-chord 'duration))
                 (format-moment (ly:duration-length
                                 (ly:event-property event-chord 'duration)))
                 ;; point and click info
                 (ly:format "point-and-click ~a ~a"
                            (caddr origin)
                            (cadr origin))

#(define (format-chorddrumnote engraver event-chord)
   (let* ((origin (ly:input-file-line-char-column
                   (ly:event-property event-chord 'origin))))
     (print-line engraver
                 ;; get a MIDI pitch value.
		 ;; same as above, with a DrumVoice I get:
		 ;; In procedure ly:pitch-semitones in expression 
		 ;; (ly:pitch-semitones (ly:event-property event-chord #)):
		 ;; Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting Pitch): loconga
		 ;(+ 60 (ly:pitch-semitones
                        (ly:event-property event-chord 'drum-type) ;))
                  (ly:event-property event-chord 'duration))
                 (format-moment (ly:duration-length
                                 (ly:event-property event-chord 'duration)))
                 ;; point and click info
                 (ly:format "point-and-click ~a ~a"
                            (caddr origin)
                            (cadr origin))


#(define (format-tempo engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               ; get length of quarter notes, in seconds
               (/ (ly:event-property event 'metronome-count)
                   (format-moment (ly:duration-length (ly:event-property

#(define (format-breathe engraver event)
   (print-line engraver

#(define (format-glissando engraver event)
   (print-line engraver

#(define (format-tie engraver event)
   (print-line engraver

#(define (format-articulation engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event 'articulation-type)))

#(define (format-text engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event 'text)))

#(define (format-slur engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event 'span-direction)))

#(define (format-dynamic engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event 'text)))

#(define (format-dynamic engraver event-chord)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event-chord 'text)

#(define (format-cresc engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event 'span-direction)))

#(define (format-decresc engraver event)
   (print-line engraver
               (ly:event-property event 'span-direction)))

#(define (format-textspan engraver event)
   (let* ((context (ly:translator-context engraver))
          (moment (ly:context-current-moment context))
          (spanner-props (ly:context-property context 'TextSpanner))
          (details (chain-assoc-get 'bound-details spanner-props))
          (left-props (assoc-get 'left details '()))
          (left-text (assoc-get 'text left-props '())))
     (print-line engraver
                 (ly:event-property event 'span-direction)

%%%% The actual engraver definition: We just install some listeners so we
%%%% are notified about all notes and rests. We don't create any grobs or
%%%% change any settings.

\layout {
  \context {
  \consists #(make-engraver
	       (tempo-change-event . format-tempo)
	       (rest-event . format-rest)
	       (note-event . format-note)
	       ; Added: chord-event
	       (chord-event . format-chordnote) 
	       (articulation-event . format-articulation)
	       (text-script-event . format-text)
	       (slur-event . format-slur)
	       (breathing-event . format-breathe)
	       (dynamic-event . format-dynamic)
	       (dynamic-event-chord . format-dynamic)
	       (crescendo-event . format-cresc)
	       (decrescendo-event . format-decresc)
	       (text-span-event . format-textspan)
	       (glissando-event . format-glissando)
	       (tie-event . format-tie)))

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ADDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  \context {
  \consists #(make-engraver
	       (tempo-change-event . format-tempo)
	       (rest-event . format-rest)
	       ; Added: format-drumnote
	       (note-event . format-drumnote)
	       ; Added: chord-event
	       (chord-event . format-chorddrumnote) 
	       (articulation-event . format-articulation)
	       (text-script-event . format-text)
	       (slur-event . format-slur)
	       (breathing-event . format-breathe)
	       (dynamic-event . format-dynamic)
	       (dynamic-event-chord . format-dynamic)
	       (crescendo-event . format-cresc)
	       (decrescendo-event . format-decresc)
	       (text-span-event . format-textspan)
	       (glissando-event . format-glissando)
	       (tie-event . format-tie)))
  \version "2.16.2"

%\include "./0-mydrums-style2.ly"
\include "./zzzz-event-listener.ly"

soprano = \relative c' {
 \time 4/4 
 \tempo 4 = 100 

	\repeat volta 2 {
	c4 d e f |
	e2 r2 |
	} % fin du repeat
	g8 a b c <c, c'>2 |

pulse=  \drummode {
 \time 4/4 
 \tempo 4 = 100 

	\repeat volta 2 {
	cgl8_\p cghm8_\ff r8 cgho16_\f cgho16_\fff cgl8_\fp cghm8_\sf r8 cgho16_\ppppp cgho16_\sf | 

	cgl8_\pp cghm8_\f r4 cgl8_\fff <cghm cuim>8_\f r4 |
	} % fin du repeat

	cgl8_\pp cghm8_\f r4 cgl8_\fff <cghm cuim>8_\f r4 |

paroles = \lyricmode {
	E vent lis te ner 
	Thank you Graham!

 \score {
      \new Staff 
	\set Staff.instrumentName = "Sopra"
	\set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "sop"
      	%\set DrumStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
	\new Voice { \soprano }
      \addlyrics  { E vent lis te ner
                   Tha __ nk you Gra ham!
      \new DrumStaff 
%        \set DrumStaff.drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums-style2)
	\set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Drums"
	\set DrumStaff.shortInstrumentName = "Dr"
      	%\set DrumStaff.midiInstrument = "standard kit"
	\new DrumVoice { \pulse }
  \layout {  }
 } % fin de score

 \score { % POUR LE MIDI
	\unfoldRepeats { << \new Voice \soprano \new DrumVoice \pulse >> }
  \midi {

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