On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:28 AM, jensgc <jen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a quick thought - if I with the temporary polyphony construct shown in
> your example can direct TextSpanner content to a special Dynamics context -
> would it then be possible to skip the Dynamic context (and the spacer
> definitions that go with it) and just use the topmost staff as the target?
> Or does it have to be a Dynamics and not a Staff context to work?

Of course.

> I could of cause also "fill" the dynamics context with the music for of the
> defined voices - but then I would assume that dynamics already defined in
> that voice would also be printed. Is that correct?
> If I add the music from the topmost staff to a separate dynamics context
> (placed above that staff), will dynamics context then be printed twice?

yes, that's correct. the music is suppressed, but the dynamics will be
shown. this is why i suggested using a global structure definition
which you can include in all voices (very useful for orchestral music
where you have to generate parts).

> An extra potential challenge - I use \RemoveEmptyStaves since there are long
> sections with empty bars in various voices (the topmost 4 voices form a solo
> quartet that is not active before bar 70).

if you put a dynamics context as topmost context in your score, i'm
not sure if RemoveEmptyStaves will also nuke that one. shouldn't
really matter though, as soon as you put something in that context, it
will be alive and shown again.


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