
> Hi. Not sure if you have seen my earlier posts

Sorry… yeah, I missed those.

> I don't have my \tempo and \mark items in a global variable.

I do recommend using a global variable in the future.

> I wrote the quartet part (starting at
> approx. bar 70) in a separate file, making proofreading and finetuning a lot
> quicker than the combined score.

You can still proofread and fine-tune the separate quartet part, just as 
quickly, with a global variable.

> In the first part of the score (bars 1-70)
> the \time, \tempo and \key changes are defined in the main choir part, since
> the quartet is doing nothing. In the latter part, the \time and \tempo
> changes are defined in the quartet file, as this is the dominant part from
> bar 70.

Having just engraved 25 minutes of large forces music for voices and 
instruments (57 staves, for ~330 performers!), I **HIGHLY** recommend you avoid 
doing things like that in future scores.

> If there is a simple way of "blanking" all music from a voice, effectively
> replacing all content with full bar rests (while obeying the time signature
> in each bar), that could be a useful approach in my case.

There are recent threads about this sort of thing — search the list archives.

Hope this helps!
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